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Reviews of movies major and minor by Harvey O'Brien, who teaches Film Studies at University College Dublin and is the author of The Real Ireland: The Evolution of Ireland in Documentary Film (Manchester University Press, 2004) and co-editor of Keeping it Real: Issues and Directions in Irish Film and Television (Wallflower Press, 2004). A Note Welcme to the new home of Harvey's Movie Reviews. Regular visitors to this site will have noticed the lack of updates lately. I've been busy (see above)... I do hope to get back to regular film reviews soon (I've been doing a lot of theatre reviews on and for Irish Theatre Magazine, and I've also started reviewing books on Irish radio). Anyway, sorry there's nothing new, but for the moment there's plenty in the archives to peruse at your leisure. See you in cyberspace again soon, I hope. In the meantime, please preorder my books at and .com as soon as you see them! :) Shameless, I know, shameless. :)