1904 coat of arms (scan of original document) 1991 coat of arms (scan of original document)

Flannery Clan

Clann Fhlannabhra

Heraldic Products

Heraldic Prints

We have images of the four authenticated coats of arms associated with the name, and we can provide colour prints suitable for framing. The prints are A4 size (210 x 297 mm) and printed on glossy paper. The price is EUR 5 (US$10 / ST£5 / CAN$11 / AUS$12) inclusive of postage to anywhere in the world.

Members of the clan may purchase prints online by PayPal, or by cash or cheque in the same way that you would pay your annual subscription.

Please remember to specify whether you want the 1858, 1904, 1948 or 1991 coat of arms.

Heraldic Plaques etc.

We have checked out numerous retailers around the world on behalf of the many members who expressed a desire to buy a heraldic plaque to display in their home. We have been staggered by the low standards of professionalism exhibited by the majority of retailers, who appear to be quite happy to sell any coat of arms regardless of its authenticity.

Happily, we have found ONE retailer who possesses both knowledge and integrity. It is a small, family-run business in the heart of Dublin, and they have been providing an international mail order service for over 30 years.

They stock an impressive range of products which are competitively priced. Visit their website for full details.

The owner, Martin O'Beirne, may be contacted by email; or by mail to Heraldic Artists, 3 Nassau Street, Dublin 2.

Please note that we are not on a commission! We are recommending this retailer because he can provide an authentic product, and we are striving to protect our members from other retailers who are selling incorrect coats of arms.