The Flannery Bid / Defence - (game-play)

Flannery 2 Diamond Opener 1979

In the card game of contract bridge, the Flannery Bid is a 2D opening bid which shows 5 hearts and 4 spades. This convention was invented by William L. Flannery (b. 1932) of Sacramento, California, U.S.A. A brief biography is given in the Hall of Fame.

There are 10 basic principles to the bid:-

  1. 5 hearts and 4 spades and 11-15 high card points.
  2. A bad 16 is considered 15 points.
  3. A good 16 is considered 17 points.
  4. You do not count distributional points when opening 2D bids.
  5. All 11 point hands must contain 21/2 defensive tricks.
  6. With 11-15 high card points open 2 diamonds.
  7. With 17-18 high card points open 1 heart and rebid spades.
  8. With 19-20 high card points open 1 heart and rebid 3 spades.
  9. Over an intervening double responders bid means the same.
  10. Responder counts distribution.