Payment by PayPal
Members are welcome to pay the annual subscription using PayPal, but we are obliged to round up the rate slightly to compensate for PayPal processing fees. Subscriptions are requested in euro to avoid additional currency conversion charges. If you are paying in a different currency, then the following currency conversions (reviewed quarterly) apply for family membership. Individual membership is half the family rate.
abbrev. | amount | currency |
EUR | 15.00 | euro |
ST£ | 10.00 | Pounds Sterling |
US$ | 20.00 | United States Dollars |
CAN$ | 22.00 | Canadian Dollars |
AUS$ | 24.00 | Australian Dollars |
Please contact the webmaster if you have any problems using PayPal, or if you wish to make a payment in a currency that is not listed above.
Please click on the PayPal button below to proceed to the PayPal online payment facility:
The Flannery Clan is a Registered Charity (CHY 13530) and gratefully accepts all donations.