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Mrs. Mary Phelan took up a new post on Monday 2nd of October 2000 in another school. A farewell presentation in her honour was held on Thursday 5th of October in the School and was well attended by grateful parents, pupils, past pupils, colleagues and other well wishers. Her 20 years dedication to the school were celebrated by those present and her future happiness in her new and fortunate school was wished for by all.


Click Pictures to enlarge!

photoClass.JPG (29433 bytes) Mrs Phelan and her last Communion Class 1999. 

Fred-Our Hardworking Caretaker 1999!           Catherine in the infant classroom 1999!

Fred.JPG (27419 bytes)                                             Catherine.JPG (56617 bytes)

Our Principal Teacher is Brian O'Dalaigh.

Our secretary is Celine McCabe.

Our Classroom Assistants are Catherine and Michelle.

Our Lollipop ladies are Bridy and Moira.

Karmel Smith is on Career Break.

Our Deputy Principal is Liam Neary.

Our 2 new teachers are Fiona Belton and Suzanne Connell.




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Last modified: October 10, 2000

Our e-mail address is oldschool.ias@tinet.ie