Ghosts Session Debrief 070622


Finally completed the Trip to hell on Everon. Team was Fish, DC and Hammer. DC took Lead, Hammer Alpha Two, Alpha Fish Three On our first attempt we cleared Saint Pierre in about 20mins, re-equiped with Satchel charges, Styer Aug's and were transported in our M113 to north of Vernon. We traveled north east up the mountain face and got cover in a group of trees overlooking the camp. Alpha Three  took a position to the left of this with a view of the machine gun emplacement at the rear of the camp. We engaged the patrols on the camp, in order to clear it for charge detonation. However the two patrols of Spetz Natz came down from the mountains and all Alpha were killed in the engagement, despite the good cover. We had three units left in the M113, and when respawned we returned to the hill, and proceeded to move forward, being sure we had cleared all opposition. But when we got into the open between our cover and the camp, we encountered fire from a flanking group of SpNz on our east side, and quickly the mission came to a halt. 


We strengthened our resolve, and restarted, this time we took heavy losses in St Pierre, and had no spare AI's on our journey to Durras. The same approach was employed, however we alpha three went west of the trees overlooking the camp, and he approached the camp in danger mode from bearing of about  200. The rest of the team kept vigil ready to open fire if any of the opposition spotted our Alpha rogue bomber. With one charge placed, Alpha three had to kill the machine gunner at the south west corner, to lay the charge on the south emplacement. 'Wait,,,,wait,,,,,wait'. Alpha then gaeve the allc clear when the patrols were well away from his position. Two shots from the M9 Beretta pistol, "gunner down, laying the charge". In the meantime all hell broke loose, as our cover fire suppressed fire from the Barracks, and Alpha three made his get away from where he came blowing the charges on the way


Three joined the group at the trees, and carefully neutralized the encroaching spetz natz and camp patrols. When all was quiet, one of the gun emplacements was still intact. Possible that charge was out of range when Alpha three detonated it. So two and three approached the camp, with one keeping cover for any stray enemy units, while alpha two placed the charges at the remaining artillery. He then blew the charge, destroying the artillery, and three took out a rogue enemy unit hiding behind a truck on the camp. Mission success then sweetly appeared on the screen. Total time from mission start was about 50 minutes. 


DC's and Hammers tactic of one covering while the remaining team continued offensive worked effectively, although it would be better utilised in larger groups. Marksmanship, and team covering was also very good, will all now covering effectively for each other. Team structure is less important for small numbers, but we must continue to employ the discipline. Command procedures will be very important in as team size grows.


We mantained the initiative through most of the mission, but lost it for a time during our engagement in St. Pierre. We got pinned down in a house in the town, and thats where our losses were highest. I don't think we did much wrong, but odds became overwhelming. We must concentrate more on using cover in all occasions, where possible. What we get away with in OPF, just won't cut it in ArmA. Taking on more than one eneny unit without cover just wont work.


We also need to consider specialties, and I used the grenade to good effect. Snipers and Law soldiers must be familiar with the tools of their trade, and be effective with them. This will only work with offline practice with them.



