GPS Mapping Course - Mullingar, Co. West Meath
By Marcus Pinker
GPS Receiver System | |
Global Positioning Satellites have been with us for
quite as while, and their use in orienteering mapping
has long been suggested. The problem has always been
the desired accuracy needed for orienteering maps - an
error of 5m is about the limit acceptable, with half
of that being more desirable. To find out if
technology has advanced enough to allow sufficient
accuracy for their use in O maps, 13 of us met for a
weekend of experimenting at the Lilliput Adventure
Centre, Jonathan Swift Park, Co. West Meath.
GPS has its foundations in the US military, being
developed to guide missiles accurately to their
destination. It consists of nearly 30 satellites
orbiting the earth at a height of about 20km. A
ground based receiver needs at least 3 (ideally 5 or
more)of these to be 'visible' at any one time, each
satellite emits a signal, which via triangulation, the
ground unit can work out its position and give it in
grid co-ordinates. Hand held units are readily
available for a reasonable price and are a popular
companion for outdoor activities such as
hill walking.
The problem for mapping has always been the accuracy,
while 10m might not matter to the casual walker, it
can make a significant difference to the location of a
point feature on an O map. To make matters more
difficult the US government have inserted a dither
into the equation (which increases the positioning
error), to try and prevent accurate civilian use (or
rather, to try and prevent it being used against
them). This option had eventually been turned off at
the start of the decade, but September 11th saw it
being reactivated.
To overcome the problem, the shipping industry
installed static ground based stations (we were
receiving a signal from Holyhead), which record the
satellites position, work out the error and transmit
this on as a separate signal, allowing ships (and any
unit that can pick up their signal), to subtract the
error from their co-ordinates, and therefore give an
accurate position.
While a 200 Euro GPS will give you your position, it
can't record any information, which is necessary for
mapping. For the weekend, two 20,000 Euro Lecia
surveying units were rented. These could be
programmed to include a complete list of orienteering
symbols, enabling the operator to select the necessary
feature off a menu. With the antenna and receiver in
a back-pack, the mapper simply had to go to each
feature, select the symbol and push a button, or in
the case of a line feature, walk along it, with the
receiver updating your position every second.
In the predominately open area of our test survey, the
system seemed to work quite well, with the same
feature recorded by different people at different
times being within an acceptable error. As the
satellites are consistently moving, coming in and out
of view, recording the same position at different
times of the day will give slightly different
co-ordinates. However as soon as any tree coverage
was encountered, the receiver started to lose both the
Holyhead signal and the satellites, and once the
gets below 4, accuracy can not be guaranteed (X Y
co-ordinate can be recorded with as few as 3, but not
Z (height)).
Data was downloaded in the evening, converted into a
dxf file and imported into Ocad (a programme
specifically designed for drawing orienteering maps).
Unfortunately in our test, symbols weren't transferred
on different layers, meaning that the cartographer had
to remember what each individual feature was as it was
only represented as a point or a line - a small
problem which should be easy enough to get around.
The overall conclusion seemed to be that although it's
possible to map via this method, there are still too
many limiting factors. The accuracy of the
positioning was sufficient, but its price and its lack
of ability in covered areas means that the system is
not yet suitable for orienteering mapping.
A further experiment carried out, was to hook Ocad up
with a hand held GPS unit, although this worked well
with point features, Ocad doesn't yet have the
capability to be able to track its position while
following a linear object. On the plus side this
meant that features were being recorded directly into
Ocad (so no further cartography is necessary), but it
also means carrying a notebook computer around with
you, not an ideal situation. With a bit of doctoring
to Ocad and a palm top computer, this method seems
like the most
likely way forward.
GPS should have a future in O mapping, but for the
present its use is primarily helpful only in open
areas. Although a contour map can be generated from
the Z co-ordinates recorded, it is basic and would
only be usable in an area with little contour detail,
meaning that photogrammetry would still be necessary.
It also doesn't help with perhaps the two most
important aspects of mapping, the mappers
interpretation of the terrain and the manipulation of
contours. For the foreseeable future the pencil and
compass are likely to remain, but we now know what's
possible and what needs sorting out.