Ireland Branch Newsletter
2005 No. 2
Reminder:  Branch AGM is on Saturday

Branch events
Sat 5    Branch AGM in Room G01, Department of Geology, UCD
    followed by talk by Gareth Dyke
w/e 30 -       Field trip to the Silurian Red Sequences in Finny, Co. Mayo, leader Sadhbh
  May 1       Baxter (NUIG)    
w/e 23-24    Field trip to West Cork/Kerry leader Pat Meere (UCC)
tba    One-day field trip to Silvermines, Co. Tipperary, leader Ed. Jarvis, OU Tutor
tba    One-day field trip to the Co. Down Coast, leader Tony Lee
23-4 Sept.    Field trip to Iceland. This trip is now booked out (also see below)
w/e tba    Field trip to Metamorphic and Igneous rocks in Connemara leader  Martin Feely, (NUIG)     

Other events
Sat 19    CGA geological ramble in Killarney National Park led by Noel Davin.
    Meet Muckross House 10.00am
w/e 16-17    IGA Field trip to the Copper Coast led by Sophie Preteseille.
w/e 8-9    IAEG Weekend course on Gold.  Details in next Newsletter.
Sat 28    CGA geo-walk to Coumshingaun, Co. Waterford.
w/e 10-12    IGA field trip to the Belfast area (provisional)

BGS Belfast Geologists' Society; CGA Cork Geological Association; IAEG Irish Association for Economic Geology; IGA Irish Geological Association; NUIG National University of Ireland Galway, TCD Trinity College Dublin; UCC University College Cork



This is the AGM special edition!  We are looking forward to seeing lots of you at the AGM on Saturday and hope you will enjoy the day.    If you feel you would like to become involved in the running of the Branch NOW’S YOUR CHANCE!  If you are interested in trying your hand at the Newsletter I would be happy to pass it on.

Gareth Dyke who will be giving a talk after the formal meeting is an excellent speaker and has lots of impressive photos and experiences to talk about.  The talk will be followed by lunch.

Phyllis has been really busy organizing a host of field trips and these are listed in the Calendar above.  If you are interested in these more information will be available at the AGM.  Otherwise the details will be in the next Newsletter along with Booking Form(s)

I have to apologise to Sheila, our esteemed Treasurer, who I misnamed in the last Newsletter.  Sorry, Sheila.

Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday,

OUGS Field Trip to Iceland

John Leahy is organizing a field trip to Iceland from 23rd August to 4th September 2005.  At present there is a waiting list, but if anyone else is interested please contact John for further details.  His e-mail address is:

The Branch AGM will be held in Room G01 Department of Geology, University College Dublin  (UCD) on Saturday 5th March at 11.00am

The Department of Geology is on the ground floor of the Biology Building.  There will be ample parking in Car Park No. 1 opposite the building.  The layout of roads and parking in UCD has changed since last year so do not park at the rear of the building or your car will be clamped!  Directions within UCD are given below.  If you require directions to UCD please contact a member of the Committee (see end of Newsletter)

Following the AGM there will be a talk by Dr. Gareth Dyke, who has been working on the evolution of birds from dinosaurs.

After the meeting we will have lunch in the Montrose Hotel.  You are all welcome to come along to the lunch, cost in the region of €20-25.  Please let Phyllis know if you wish to join in the lunch


A)  If you are coming into the College from the Stillorgan road, turn left and then follow the road around the College and keep going until you are almost heading out again!  You will eventually see the water tower ahead of you (I always think of a giant crinoid when I see it!)  When you reach a small roundabout, turn right.  (Go to (C)  below)

B)    If you are coming from the Clonskeagh Road entrance, go to the small roundabout turn left.

C)  From the small roundabout follow the road until you come to a T-junction, turn right and this will bring you to Car Park No. 1.   On three sides there are buildings, the middle one with all the windows and the flight of steps up to the door is the ‘Biology’ building.  Go into the building and immediately down the stairs.  Take the corridor to the right, Room G01 is at the far end on the left.