Title Author/Editor Publisher
A Geological Excursion Guide to the Causeway Coast Lyle Paul Enviro & Heritage Service, D.O.E for NI
Satellites of the outer planets Rothery David A. Oxford University Press
The Theory of Evolution Maynard Smith John Cambridge University Press
Leaving Eden Nisbet E. G. Cambridge University Press
Ores and Minerals Barnes J. W. Open University Press
Behaviour and Evolution Halliday T. R. Slater P. J. B. & Cambridge University Press
Systematics and the Fossil Record Smith Andrew B. Blackwell Scientific
Palaeomagnetism and the Continental Crust Piper J. D. A. Open University Press
Rock Weathering and Landform Evolution Robinson D. A. & Williams R. B. G John Wiley & Sons
Mountains of Fire Decker Robert W. & Barbara B. Cambridge University Press
Sequence Stratigraphy Emery D. & Myers K. J. Blackwell Scientific
Coccolithophores Winter Amos & Siesser William G Cambridge University Press
Geological Survey Ten Mile maps ( N & S ) B G S
Geological Map of Northern Ireland 1: 250 000 ( Old and New ) G S N I
Geological Map of the World OU / ESSO
