Cleary AirLines Flight Deck
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Building a flight deck is an ongoing thing - it's never finished.
June 2005 - Current PC System consists of :
AMD Athlon 64 3500+
ABIT AV8 Third Eye Mainboard
Windows 98 First Edition (Note: Neither XP Home nor Pro could handle all this stuff - never got to finish even one flight during 8 weeks of downright misery - 98FE runs it all flawlessly)
512MB Crucial PC3200 DDR
XFX GeForce 6600XT (128MB) using nVidia 71.84 drivers
Monitor 1: OUTSIDE VIEW - NEC/Mitsubishi CRT SB230 22" running off the 6600GT. Resolution 1600 x 1200 x32 @85Hz
and viewed through two Fresnel lenses running in tandem. THE TFVS - Twin Fresnels Visual System
Monitor 2: PRIMARY INSTRUMENT Display - Belinea 15" TFT
Monitor 3: FSNav, FSMeteo Weather Info - Belinea 15" TFT
Monitor 4: SECONDARY INSTRUMENT Display and TCAS - Elonex 15" TFT
Monitors 2/3/4 running off the second output of the 6600GT, a Matrox Mystique and an S3 Trio 64+ (765) both PCI cards
Secondary monitors running at 1024 x 768 x 16 @ 60Hz
Soundblaster 16 PCI