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Who Are We? 

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We are an innovative, competency based leadership training program for adults with disabilities and parents of young children with disabilities.  

Our goal is to establish Partners in Policy Making as a recognised voice working towards the modification of policies in our society affecting the social, medical, domestic and intellectual parts of our lives.

For too long, policies have been handed down to people with disabilities with what would appear to be zero dialogue with the core recipients.

We will endeavor to encourage all sections of society from the government to the man on the street to recognise and adequately include people with disabilities in their lives.

  • Offaly Leader


  • Laois Leader 
  • Longford Leader


For Respite, Look no Further!

 Since the 4th of March 2004 we have had Visitors to the site

Send mail to policypartners@eircom.net  with questions or comments about this web site.