
We also breed Peacocks, Lady Armherst Pheasants and several breeds of Duck ( Khaki, Cambell, Indian runners, Blue swedish, Abacot Ranger and Muscovy)
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Please contact us for availability of these birds
Friendly and quiet standard birds. Can stand confinement in coop and run enclosures but not in cages unless they are chicks or recovering from illness. Great active forager and excellent fliers. Good egg to feed ratio. Good layer of eggs, with production roughly between 140 to 160 white eggs per year. With patience and time, Appenzeller Speizhaubens can become very friendly and unafraid of human touch.
White medium sized eggs. Medium egg production.
Australorp no image  

Hardy lay quite well as long as they are not allowed to get fat! They are lazy hens! So for that reason they do need to be kept free range so that they are well exercised. The chicks produced are yellow in colour and are quite slow at growing their darker feathers which come later. The hens do go broody often but this makes them a docile chicken and a good mother.
Brown medium sized eggs. Medium egg production.

Brahma (Golden)

Calm birds with wide, deep bodies, full breast and orange or yellow legs and feet covered with lots of soft feathers They are well known as being one of the largest breeds of chicken. Makes a great pet for its quiet and tame nature and tolerance to the cold.
Light brown medium sized eggs. Medium egg production.
Buff Brahmas also available


They feather quickly but mature relatively late. While they are considered a egg production hen, they are primarily kept for ornamental purposes. Campines tolerate confinement but do much better if allowed to free range.
White medium sized eggs. Medium egg production.


Calm, gentle breed. They lay around 160-180 eggs per year. They lay medium sized tinted or salmon colored eggs. They are an easy breed to keep and raise.
Light brown medium sized eggs. Medium egg production.

Japanese Black& White Tails japanese

Miniature sized hen with distinct features of large comb, large wings that touch the ground, arched tail feathers and very short legs. A great show bird, good pets, require little feed and space. This breed is found in the Japanese history as far as the 1700's.
White medium sized eggs. Medium egg production.

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Lakenvelder no image

These are one of the most beautiful in appearance of any of the rare varieties with their striking black and white markings and slate colored legs. Very quick and active, foraging widely if allowed to run.
White medium sized eggs. Medium egg production.

( Exchequer)

Great layers, beautiful birds, and if raised right, very friendly. They lay nice tasty, white eggs almost every day.
White large eggs. High egg production.

Maran maran  
( Black )

Minorcas are flighty, but some strains have birds that are very sweet.. Don't like confinement.
White large eggs. High egg production.

Buff Orpington

Developed as a dual purpose breed, Buff Orpington's make fair table fowl and are excellent winter layers of large brown eggs. They have very laid back personalities and make great family pets.
Light brown large eggs. Medium egg production.

Rhode Island Reds

Rhode Island Reds can produce 200 to 300 eggs per bird in a twelve-month laying period and begin laying early as well.
Large brown eggs. High egg production.


Though beautiful and intriguing, the Sebright can be difficult to raise. They tend to be flighty, the hens don't lay many eggs and rarely brood, and the chicks have a higher mortality rate. Despite these downfalls, Sebright breeders are extremely passionate for them keeping substantial numbers turning out for the poultry shows.
Small white eggs. Low egg production.

Silver Dorking



a bantam hen, Silkies are most valued for their ability to incubate eggs. They have a habit of going broody more frequently than other breeds and being good mothers. They are not as flighty and energetic as other breeds and are far easier to catch and manage.
Small light brown eggs. Medium egg production.

( Light,
Speckled and Ponte)

Originated and bred in Sussex England as table fowl. Full of personality. When free ranging, they do quite well and are good layers.
Medium size brown eggs. High egg production.

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Wyandottes go broody often. They lay well and usually don't fight much. They have a lot of plumage and that makes them look larger than they are. The hen weighs around 6-7lbs. and the male weighs 8-9lbs. They lay medium to large light brown to brown eggs. They make great mothers and roosters have a deep, relatively quiet crow.
Large light brown eggs. High egg production.
Golden Brahma