Figure 7.  Acupoints for acute infectious diseases due to Wind Pathogen: Acute Coli mastitis with fever; Acute Viral Pneumonia/bronchitis with fever; Chronic pneumonia/bronchitis with fever (Pasteurella) (GV19-Tianmen, GB20-Jiaogen, LI11 (or LI04), Feishu, BL13, BL49 (points without names on BL Channel near tuber ischii), GB34, ST45).


From: Acupuncture in Bovine Practice by Annerose Weiß, DMV - Copyright: Annerose Weiß & Walter Egel-Weiß, ATF


Channel Codes: 3E=SJ/TH; Bl=BL; Di=LI; Du=SI; Gb=GB; He=HT; KG=CV; Le=LV; LG=GV; Lu=LU; Ma=ST; Mi=SP; Ni=KI; PC=PC