What can counselling do for you?
The aim of talking to a counsellor or psychotherapist is to help you make sense of what is going in your life, as well as reflecting on past experiences and how they impact on the present, the person you are today.
At Catherine Keers counselling & psychotherapy centre, we strive to help you in this process. Contact Catherine on 01 284 3297 or email cathkeers@hotmail.com.
Counselling or psychotherapy allows you to achieve greater self-understanding, heightened self-acceptance, improved relationships with others and greater control over your life. It helps you to clarify what you want from life, addressing your own needs, improving relationships with others, taking responsibility and regaining control: learning to live, risk, love, hope and engage more fully with life.
Some of the issues we can help you with are:
Self-esteem, confidence, assertiveness
Anxiety and depression
Emotional crisis & difficulties coping
Bereavement, loss, separation & relationship break-down
Cultural identity
Self-image problems
Trust and jealousy
Despair, feelings of meaningless and hopelessness
Childhood issues & trauma
Post nuptial depression
Work-related issues, stress, interpersonal conflict, bullying & personal development
These pages explain the process in more detail, practicalities and what you can expect.