my first four months at RACE




Robert Fagan






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My first four months were exciting but also hard work.  But I am delighted I am doing the course because it gives me a chance to be what I always wanted to be - a jockey.  I didn’t come into RACE thinking I was going to be a top class jockey.  I know that it will be hard to make it as a jockey, but it will be well worth it in the end.


The first week in RACE I was just trotting around the indoor arena on the easy horses.  The next week I was brought out to the gallops.  I had two lots: Irish Emperor and Elguerrouj.  Both of them ran away with me, as did the horses I rode for the next three weeks.  It was tough going, I thought I would never hold a horse down in the yard.


In the third month I was told I had a good chance of going out to the trainers if I could prove myself on the next horse I rode.  It was Elguerrouj, the horse that ran away with me at the start of the course.  I thought I would be run away with but I proved myself; I held him.  I was delighted.  Then it came to the day we were being told about the trainers we were going to.  They just put us in the van and started driving down the road.  It came to me I knew the trainers yard the minute we got to it, because I live on the Curragh.


Niall, the instructor, called my name and I hopped out of the van.  I went in to meet my trainer;  he was James Leavy. He seemed like a nice man.  Now all I have to do is start work on Monday.