hmmm?? What'll happen if we plug it in??

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Nuclear/Particle Physics Links

particle collisions

Fermi National Accelerator laboratory (the science of particle physics)

High energy physics and the structure of matter (Hands on Cern)

Life, the universe and the electron

Nuclear Physics: Past, Present and Future

Particle Physics Education Sites

The natural radioactive series (applet)

Nuclear power plant simulation (applet)

The Bohr atom (applet)

Photon emission/adsorption (applet)

Laser demonstration (applet)

Standard model of fundamental particles and interactions (poster)

General Physics Links

Einstein on a visit to the doctor

Physics Education Resources

NCSU Physics Demonstration Room

Science Instruction resources

The Institute of Physics

General Physics java applets

University of Colorado (Physics 2000)

Physics applets

Thin lens and mirror demonstration

Java Applets on Physics

The Virtual Laboratory

Create your own lightning in UCD!

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