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Buion An Leanbh Prague, Raheny
Ben Nevis Name

Badges you should earn before achieving your Ben Nevis Award:

A record needs to be kept as each section/badge is completed before being presented with the award.
  • Entertainers Badge
  • Personal Health Badge
  • Collectors/Book Lover
  • Artist
  • Punctuality
Special Tasks
  • Learn about Guides in another country
  • Take part in at least one Hike, and keep a record of it.
  • Attend One National Guide Event.
  • Earn an interest badge of your own choice.
  • Attend one Indoor Camp.

Badge Requirements

  • With a group of not more than ten, perform an item of entertainment of at least ten minutes.
Personal Health
  • Plan a balanced diet for a person of your own age.
  • Plan a keep-fit exercise programme and practice it for ten days.
  • Design a poster to encourage a rule of good health.
  • Know the importance of a clean house and the danger of germs and insects.
  • Start or add to a collection ie badges, beanie babies, key rings, soaps etc.
  • Arrange your collection for viewing by your patrol/company.
  • Talk to your patrol about your collection, how it started etc.
Book lover
  • Be a member of your local library and have read books from both fiction and reference sections.
  • Be able to discuss six books that you have read by various authors.
  • Know how to care for Books.
  • Design a poster, which may be used to recruit new Guides. ( you may use a computer to design the poster)
  • Draw and colour a picture not less than 30cm x 36cm. The subject of the picture may be any theme of your own choice.
  • Still Life: Draw two subjects of different size and shape.
  • Have a record of punctual attendance at Guide meetings and all other Guide Activities for a period of at least three months.
    (This badge may need to be renewed if punctuality slips)