Raheny Utd F.C.


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Raheny United F.C. was formed in 1994, when members of Dunseedy United and Raheny Boys both agreed that the future for football in Raheny would benefit if the two clubs came together, and so the new club, Raheny United, was formed.

Below you will find a brief look at both Dunseedy United's and Raheny Boy's history and development.


Dunteam1.jpg (28620 bytes) DunseedyUnited, was formed in 1971, by Vincent Delamere, Ray Delamere and John O'Driscoll.  To the left, is one of the 1st teams that the club produced.
To the right, is a picture of a Youthfull Connie Egan, who was voted "Club man of the Year" in 1983.  connie.jpg (18654 bytes)
RB2.jpg (76081 bytes) Raheny Boys was formed in 1963, from the Raheny Road Leagues.   To the left is a picture of Martin Murphy and Derek O'Farrell, with players from one of the schoolboy teams, at the temporary clubhouse.
To the left is a early picture, including Ciaran Kenny, one of the current Schoolboy managers.   RB1.jpg (72796 bytes)

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