6th Class Art Gallery
A collection of art work from
Ms Coggin's 6th Class
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Reflections on our Art Work
I like using different materials during art and giving and getting advice from my friends on how to make our art better. C B
As I do my art, I start at the top and paint down the page; therefore I won’t get my clothes dirty. N .M.
I like using paints and mixing all sorts of colours to achieve a variety of shades in art.
I like messing around with all different colours and making various shades which makes the picture more real. E.K.
First I started with a light sketch in case I made a mistake. Then I made loads of different shades of the colour I was using in case they blend together. The encouragement from my friends and teacher helped me do a lovely piece of art. G.C.
I started sketching, then I painted over the lines when I was sure. I mixed loads of colours to colour the flowers with lots of shading.
I liked using all different shades and different colours when doing art and received good advice from my friends. A.M.
I like using different colours to make a whole new better
Colour. E.G.
I like doing art with my friends, if you’ve got a good imagination you can do lots of different things but I like getting a little advice from my friends. A.M.
I sketched my picture first then I painted it in lots of yellow and orange colours. Everyone’s pictures turned out really good at the end. S.M.G.
I liked doing the “Classroom of the future.” It gave us a insight into
the world of tomorrow. M.F.
My favourite piece of art this year was doing Van Gogh’s paintings, because I love doing work with paints and that piece of art was mostly painting. A.P.
The art that we did was good and I enjoyed using warm colours to produce a lovely picture. M.H
I liked the warm and cold colours we used in the Vincent Van Gogh painting . It was a scenic picture and hopefully we’ll do it again in the future. P.L.
I like doing art and talking to my friends. They help and encourage me.D.R
I think doing the next century drawings took a lot of imagination but it was hard because it had to be believable as well. E.C.
I think when you’re doing your art with your friends they encourage you when its hard art so they make it easier to do and you also do it better. E.F.
When we do art we encourage each other to produce lovely work. During art work I think about my piece being real, focusing on detail and colour.A McG.