Colmcille Naofa

Rathcormac School

Whole school in front of building




4th Class Field Trip to Lisaddell

On Wednesday 30th November, 4th Class went on a field trip to see the Gardens and Out-Buildings at Lisaddell House. We had a great experience of Nature in all its beauty. We looked at different plants and fungi in the woods, we saw badger setts and saw the biggest tree in the North West. We looked at old cottages and outbuildings and saw a fireplace that kept the frost from parts of the gardens. We listened to bird song with an ornithologist, Michael, and he communicated with a robin while we watched. We also heard a Jay song. As a rememberance of our trip we planted a Grenadier apple tree in the orchard that will be there in years to come. We would like to thank Klaus, Michael and Pat for their expertise in showing us around.


Examining buds

To find out more about Plants CLICK HERE

A fireplace in the garden wall to keep the frost off delicate bushes

A labourer's cottage in the grounds and the stable block

To learn more about historical Lissadell CLICK HERE

The head gardeners house that was 'discovered' when clearing undergrowth

To read two ghost stories of Lissadell CLICK HERE

Listening to bird song

If you want to read more about Birds and Animals CLICK HERE

Examining fungi and badger setts

The biggest tree in the North West and our apple tree we planted, maybe one day...!

For a Personal Reflection on the day CLICK HERE

Post Script: On the way home we did a traffic survey of the vehicles we passed. One of the class produced the survey on the computer here it is: