Welcome Junior Infants
to Rathcormac School
Every year a special event takes place - a new class arrives in Junior Infants and begins its progress through the school. It is made up of 25 individuals who blend together to become this new class. Here are some photos of their first weeks in school.
The whole class with Teacher, Margaret Holland, and Principal, Frank O'Sullivan
Puzzles, Sorting (Language & Mathematics), Drawing
Classroom Assistant, Francis Ferguson, Construction and PE in the hall
Playing in the yard at lunchtime - supported by 6th Class Pupil, Matching, Planting Window Boxes
Jig Saw Puzzles, Play in the Home Corner, Shape Work
Social Skills, Working Together, Playing with Puppets
"Reading" Books
Learning through structured play is the most valuable experience in Junior infants and you can see here the current Junior Infants hard at work. Just look at the concentration and cooperation that is happening here and see beyond the play to the skills that are being acquired here that are essential for future learning.