Colmcille Naofa

Rathcormac School

Whole school in front of building

School News



Dia dhuit!

Speaking Irish at school and at home...

We would like to encourage more spoken Irish, both in school and at home. To that end, across the school, we will have 'frásaí na seachtaine' or 'phrases of the week', and we will encourage them to be spoken around the school during the week. It would be great if you would use them at home too! We need to change our approach to Irish, making it a language to enjoy and use in our everyday lives. We're starting with a limited number of phrases and encouraging their use.

Here are the 'frásaí na seachtaine' for the next four weeks:

Dia duit/Dia is Muire duit

A traditional greeting - 'May God be with you' - and the response, 'May God and Mary be with you'

Is mise...Conor/ Is mise...Caitríona

I am...Conor/ I am...Caitríona

Más é do thoil é.


Go raibh maith agat.

Thank you.

Now you try them at home!

Michael McTighe's Retirement Party

A great evening was had on Friday 3rd February to mark Michael's McTighe's retirement as Principal of Rathcormac National School. There was a Mass in the church at 8.00pm followed by food in the school hall and an evening of dance and music performed by Rathcormac pupils and ex-pupils. Presentations were made by the Parents' Association, the Community Games, the Board of Management and the Parish Council. A packed hall heard Father Donnelly speak of Michael's achievements at the school and in the community. Michael McTighe also gave a speech thanking everyone for their support and gifts and recalling events and people over the years. A great evening was had by all and we wish to thank Michael for his years of service and wish him well in his retirement.




Swimming in 5th Class

Ms Barrins is taking 5th class swimming to Rosses Point on Wednesdays for a period of ten weeks. The first session was on 25th January. They leave school at 10:30 and return at 12:30. They are usually accompanied by Ms Barrins, Mr O Sullivan and Ms Gallgher. There are some strong swimmers in the group and all are enjoying this part of the curriculum.


On Friday 13th January the teachers attended a history curriculum day at the Education Centre in Sligo. It was an excellent practical day looking at the skills needed in this curriculum area and how we can develop them from Junior Infants through to 6th Class. We looked at how to use old documents, photographs and artefacts to make history come alive for students. Do you know where this photograph from 1880s or 1890s was taken in Sligo?

We are looking at ways we might ask parents, neighbours and friends to help build up a bank of resources on local history. If anyone has an interest in this area or interesting artefacts, please contact the Principal. Also if anyone has photographs of the area from last century or before, that we could copy, please contact the school.

Courses for Parents at Sligo Education Centre

Please visit the Parent Page of this Website for details.

Future Dates:

16th & 17th Feb Closed Mid Term Break

17th March Closed St Patrick's Day

7th April Closing for Easter

24th April Opening for Summer term

1st May Closed Bank Holiday

5th June Closed Bank Holiday

29th June Closing for Summer Holiday