Colmcille Naofa

Rathcormac School

Whole school in front of building

School News



We wish all pupils making their First Communion on Saturday 20th May the very best and hope you all have a good day.

We wish all pupils who are being Confirmed on Thursday 25th May a special day with their family and friends.

Our thanks to all who have helped in the preparation for these days. A reminder too that Thursday 25th is a half day with school closing at 12.30pm

Summer in the Yard!

Although the weather in recent days has been poor we did have a few fine days and were able to use the wonderful grounds of the school at playtime. Here is a photograph of the parachute being used for parachute games. It is a wonderful resource!

Window boxes have been a wonderful addition to the school environment and last week we were replacing the spring bulbs with our summer collection thanks to a generous donation from former Principal Michael McTighe and good offers from Feeney's Garden Centre!


At long last the Spring Clean finally happened. It was postponed from the end of last term but we finally managed it thanks to the organisation of Ms Power.



Sporting Success

Athletics at Sligo IT

Rathcormac School entered 9 teams in the Inter School Relay Competitions at Sligo IT athletics track on Friday 5th May. 36 children took part and of the 9 teams 3 won the finals and another team came third. Mr O'Sullivan congratulated all contestants at school assembly and said he was proud of their excellent behaviour on the day. It is taking part that matters and winning is a bonus. Well done to all 36 pupils and a thank you to staff and parents who accompanied them, especially Brian McBride and Catherine Kelly who played a key role in the success of the day.

Girls Mini Sevens Football

Rathcormac Girls beat Carraroe and Cliffoney to move through to the Semi finals of the Seven a Side tournament. Unfortunately, after an excellent effort, they were beaten in the semi final. Well done girls for getting so far!

Pottery in 1st and 4th Classes

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Dave McLoughlin from Ben Bulben Pottery came into school and worked with 1st and then 4th Classes. It was a great learning experience for the children working with a professional potter and we are very grateful to Dave for coming in. Many thanks.

May/June 'Frásaí Na Seachtaine'

How are you getting on with the phrases of the week in Irish? If you missed the phrases for February, March and April they are now in the archives, under 'Frásaí Na Seachtaine'; you can access them there or by clicking HERE.

We have the 'Frásaí na Seachtaine'' for the next four weeks:

Míle buíochas A thousand thanks/Thanks very much

Cén tam é? What time is it?

An bhfaca tú? Did you see?

Tóg go bog é Take it easy


Third class have been taking part in a pilot programme organised and funded by Youth Sport West. For four weeks badminton coach Graham McMullen has been running sessions on Tuesdays introducing third class to badminton. Many thanks to all who have made this possible and especially to Graham for running such good sessions.

Planning Days

The school is required to take a number of planning days before the end of the year. School is closed to pupils on those days so that planning for these curriculum areas can take place.

History Planning Day Friday 2nd June

P.E. Planning Day Friday 23rd June

Future Dates:

20th May Saturday 11am First Communion Rathcormac Parish Church

25th May Thursday 4pm Confirmation Rathcormac Parish Church (School Closed 12.30)

2nd June History Planning Day (School Closed)

5th June Closed Bank Holiday

14th June School Tour for Senior Infants & 1st Class

15th June School Tours for 2nd Class and 3rd, 4th & 5th Class

16th June School Tour 6th Class

21st June Sports Day

23rd June P.E. Planning Day (School Closed)

29th June Closing for Summer Holiday