Colmcille Naofa

Rathcormac School

Whole school in front of building

School News



Operation Christmas Child
(The Shoe Box Appeal)


193 boxes of toys and gifts, beautifully decorated, were collected to be sent to less well off children in Eastern Europe and Africa. It was a great effort on everyone's part and a big thank you to parents and children who supported the appeal. Many children's Christmases will be brighter for your efforts.

Parent Teacher Meetings 29th/30th November

Parent Teacher meetings will take place after school on Wednesday and Thursday 29th/30th November to discuss progress of children. These are important meetings and part of the home school partnership in our children's eductation. Appointment times will be given out shortly. It is important to keep to times. If more time is needed another appointment can always be made.

Coffee Morning in aid of The North West Hospice


€1300 was raised for the North West Hospice through the coffee morning organised by the Parent Association and Staff of Rathcormac School. Hundreds of cakes, scones, buscuits were made and donated and all classes and many parents came to enjoy the morning. Thank you to all and especially Ann Currid, Moninne Feeney, Karina Connolly Gilmartin, Geraldine Clarke and Margaret Regan who worked so hard all morning serving tea and coffee and clearing away ready for the next customers.

Connaught Minor Swimming Championship

Congratulations to all who represented the school in the Connaught Minor Swimming Championship in early November and good luck to the relay team and to those individuals who will be competing in the All Ireland Final on December 9th.

Sport Initiatives at Rathcormac School


Second class are taking part in an introduction to squash over several weeks sponsored by Squash Ireland. Two coaches, Siobhan Parker and Colin Whitney, have been running weekly sessions in Mini Squash for the pupils in second class.

Basket Ball

5th Class are enjoying training sessions on a Thursday afternoon by Peter McHugh a qualified basketball coach and former member of Sligo All Stars.


All pupils in the school will benefit from a Hurling initiative organised by Sligo County Board. Coach Colm Crowley is working with classes on a Friday afternoon from 1-3. The classes will rotate after two weeks to give everyone a chance to take part.

Our sincere thanks to all the coaches and organisations who have helped in bringing about these training programmes. On behalf of the children, many thanks!

Coming Soon - A New Look Website

Frank O'Sullivan and Geraldine Connell have been attending a course at the Education Centre in Sligo on a new web site programme. It is a much simpler programme than the one we are currently using and should be much easier to use. We have resurrected the Web Site Committee with a view to the pupils themselves having a greater input to the layout, design and organisation of the Website. It is early days yet but hopefully the new look site will be launched in the new year. We will keep you posted with developments.

RNLI member Francis Maye talks to 5th Class about the Lifeboat Association, its organisation and operation locally.

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Many thanks Francis for coming in and talking to the class.

Pottery in 3rd Class

Some fantastic masks were made by pupils in 3rd class - here is a preview of their work before the masks are painted. More in next month's News!

Dates for Diaries

29th/30th November Parent Teacher Meetings

8th December School Closed (Church Holiday) Staff Training Review of New Curriculum

22nd December School Closing for Christmas Holiday

8th January School Opening

16th February School Closing for Mid Term Break

26th February School Opening

16th March School Closed Staff Planning Day Drama

19th March School Closed Public Holiday

30th March School Closing for Easter

16th April School Opening

4th May School Closed Staff Training for New Curriculum - Drama

7th May School Closed Public Holiday

1st June School Closed Staff Planning Day SESE

4th June School Closed Public Holiday

29th June School Closing for Summer Holidays