Rathcormac School Website Archives

Project Page No3

June 2004




School Project Page by 1st Class


Whole Class Collages by 1st Class

Summer is Here Hip Hip Horray

Butterflies enjoy the sunny weather

Planting out the Cabbages in Our
School Garden


1st Class Thoughts on Summer!

I like summer because I will be on my summer holidays. I love summer because I can go to the beach. It is fun and some days I’ll stay at home and play football. Some days I could go up to the shed in the field with my next door neighbours.

I like summer because the weather is nice and sunny, and the days are long. I go to the beach and collect shells and make sand castles. I play out with my ball. I can cycle my Bicycle. We have our holidays from school in summer.

I like summer because………….. I can play football and rugby and go for a swim and play with my friends outside. I can play with my Dad and he can show me all the different fish.

I like Summer because I got to go on holidays and because I get a long summer term.

I like summer because.. There are no clouds. I get to play on my bike and have fun with my sister. I play basketball and football. I love my sister and summer. Summer is the best season.

A Selection of Summer Poems 1st Class

Click on any poem to see it enlarged


Hear the Cuckoo! Click here:

Music by 1st class recorders. This may take some time to load (972KB)


We send greetings to our class mate in Spain and hope to see you in September

First Class wish all our families & friends
a wonderful summer!