Rathcormac School Website Archives

Project Page No2

May 2004


School Projects Page



Circle Time in 4th Class

1. We started Circle Time with our resource teacher. We have being doing this for four months.

2. We played many games like jailer, key’s game, the neighbour game, the lying game and many more.

3. Some of the Circle Time rules are - No name no blame, taking turns, circle manners.

Circle Time means ‘An Equal Voice For Everyone’ - we all love it.

Here are fourth class responses to Circle Time:-

Circle time is a great time, we did a sculpture down in the hall and we played tag in our sculpture. (A)
Our sculpture is called “Playing Tag”, but frankly, it doesn’t look like we’re doing that at all. For some reason it reminds me of a time when I was playing with an old friend. (A)
My sculpture was fun .We are doing our sculpture about bullying and to stop people fighting. It helps children to show kindness to each other.(B)
I did a sculpture with my friends. It reminded me about peace and that no one should be bullied.

I think that my friends and my sculpture was really good. It was about trust where someone jumped on our bed of hands. (D)
I thought the sculpture was good because it showed friendship.(F)
Our sculpture was about how some people wanted two enemies to make friends. (B)
I like having fun that’s what our sculpture is about.

Our sculpture was about trusting each other and taking a chance. My sculpture is about trust. This girl is going to jump. But will she trust us or not?(D)
Three friends and I made a sculpture of protecting each other and it was very good fun. I think circle time is very good fun because the games are very good.
Our sculpture is about trust. We were in the dark and I had the lamp. It reminds me of my neighbour catching me.
Our sculpture was fun, we did it with friends. Our sculpture was about trust. (C)
Trust is a very good thing.
Our sculpture is about trust. We learn to trust each other. In circle time now we are doing a trust game. I wasn’t in on the day we did the sculpture.

We all trusted each other when we were doing our sculpture. I was very nervous when my friend jumped on my hands. Our sculpture was about trusting our friends like when we let someone jump on our hands. When we made a sculpture, it was about having fun and playing. Our picture was about trust and friendship and fun. We were in a forest. I was lost and my team was looking for me. (E)

My sculpture reminded me about having fun. I enjoy O time because we play a lot of games. Our sculpture is about trust. I and my friends' sculpture was about fun, it was good crack with my friends.(G)

My sculpture is about one little girl who gets lost in the dark.(E)

Circle Time is an important part of the curriculum and 4th Class have made great strides in learning how to work together with trust and commitment. While having fun with circle time games we also learn social skills of cooperation and collaboration. In our most recent circle time there was 100% participation in all the activities; while every child has the right to 'pass' it is great to see everyone gaining the confidence to participate.

Well done 4th Class!

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