Parent Association
Quiz Night
Thursday 28th April
Yeats Tavern
Table of 4 €20
Anybody wishing to donate a prize please leave it with the school secretary or a member of the Parent Association Committee
Junior Engineers for Ireland
K'Nex Challenge 2005
Jim Shannon from the Institution of Irish Engineers visited the school on Friday 22nd April to work with 4th & 5th Classes. The workshops are an introduction to the exciting world of engineering and design.
Jim Shannon from Sligo IT working with 4th Class
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Stage 1 is a local challenge, teamsof pupils must demonstrate their imagination, creativity and ingenuity by designing and making a model using K'Nex construction kits. Local engineers judge the models and the overall winners go forward to compete in the regional finals in May. For more information look at the STEPS (Science, Technology & Engineering Program for Schools) website under the Primary Schools Section
Jim working with 5th Class
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Green Flag News
The school is very close to aquiring its official Green Flag status. A special thanks must go to Mary Power and the Green Flag Committee members who have worked so hard to make the school green. Thank you! A full news report will follow before the end of the year when we finally earn our Green Flag.
School Dentist
The school dentist will visit Rathcormac School on Wednesday 27th April to check the teeth of all pupils and advise parents of any problems with their children's teeth.
School Closures Summer Term
School will be closed on Friday 29th April for staff training on Learning Support Guidelines
Confirmation Day for 6th Class
School will close for all pupils at 12.30pm on 5th May
As notified previously the school will also be closed on 6th May (Planning Day for Music) and on 27th May (Planning Day for P.E.)
Cumann na mBunscol
Summer Fixtures
8 Teacher Schools - Group B Boys and Girls
Top Two Teams in Group B Contest the Semi Final
19th April Rathcormac V Calry
26th April Strandhill V Rathcormac
4th May Rathcormac V St Edwards (date may be changed)
Calry school has always provided tough opposition and this year they definitely had the upper hand. Both the girls' and the boys' teams lost . We may yet meet them again in the semi final and with some serious practice and good fortune lets hope the results will be different.
Soccer Community Games
Drummcliff Under 13 Girls won the Sligo Community Games indoor soccer championship and now go on to compete in the Connaught Community Games. Well done girls!
2nd Class - Heritage in Schools Day
2nd class are going on a trip to Raughley with Bill Crowe, a Marine Scientist from Sligo IT, to study the shore line on Monday 25th April.
A Reminder about Tesco Tokens "Computers for Schools"
Just to remind any parents who do already shop at Tesco, to ask for the Computers for Schools Tokens when they shop there and to send them into school with your child. Last year we were able to acquire a new computer and some software for the school.
Future Dates:
27th April School Dentist at Rathcormac NS
29th April School Closed for Staff Training on Learning Support Guidelines
2nd May School Closed for Public Holiday
5th May 4.00pm Confirmation in the Parish Church School Closes 12.30pm
6th May School Closed Planning Day Music
21st May 11.00am First Holy Communion in the Parish Church
27th May School Closed Planning Day P.E.
6th June School Closed Public Holiday
27th June School Closed for Summer Holidays
1st September School Re-opens for the new school year