Wishing you all a
Nollaig Shona Duit!

from the children and staff at Rathcormac School
Santa Arrives during Christmas Assembly!
We had a surprise visit from Santa during the Christmas assembly. He arrived in a pony and trap - he must have been giving Rudolph a break - and he distributed presents to all the children. Thank you Santa!
Nativity Play Junior Infants
Junior Infants performed their nativity play for parents. It was a wonderful performance enjoyed by all. Well done!
Christmas Tree Decorations
This year saw great entries for the Christmas Tree Decoration Competition. All decorations had to be made from recycled materials. There were winners from each class and one was chosen to go forward to represent the school in the Sligo Competition. Here are some of the decorations on the tree, the class winners and the school representation with its designer! Well done to everyone who took part. ALL the entries showed great inventiveness and creativity. Well done!
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6th Class Christmas Play
6th Class performed their play in the penultimate week of the term. It was a great success. Here are some photographs from the show and an account by some of the pupils. 6th Class would like to thank the children of 3rd Class who were the sheep and the children.

"This is our Christmas Play and we had great fun doing it. There are many different characters such as the Shepherds, the Wise Men, the peasants, the Rabbi, King Herad and the Angels. We have been performing this play all week and today, 16th December, we look forward to performing it for our parents."
5th Class at Cregg House Nativity Play
5th Class had a trip to join with other schools at the Cregg House Nativity Play. We were very proud when some of our boys volunteered to go up and sing with the cast. It was a very enjoyable afternoon.

Christmas Assembly -Parents Welcome!
Wednesday 21st December 11.30 in the School Hall
Boats for Sri Lanka
The 'Rathcormack' & the 'Ben Bulben Racer' ready for the off!
Last year money was raised to buy two fishing boats for fishermen in Sri Lanka who had lost their boats in the Tsunami Disaster last Christmas. The charity sent us photographs of the boats ready for shipment to Sri Lanka. Here they are, the "Ben Bulben Racer" and the "Rathcormac". Well done everyone and thank you!
Traditional Music CD for Bothar

A group of pupils and former pupils got together and made a CD of traditional music. They are talented young musicians. When people purchase the CD they are asked to make a contribution, all money raised is going to the charity Bothar which helps farming projects in Africa. If you wish to buy a copy of the CD contact Teacher Mary Power through the office at the school.
More Fund Raising
Well done to a pupil in fifth class and some past pupils who, after watching television coverage of the recent earthquake in Pakistan, decided to try and help the victims themselves. They held a raffle at the Sligo Christmas Craft Fair and managed to raise €785.00. Well done to all involved!

The Fund Raising Team at the Craft Fair
'I Can, You Can' Congratulations

Congratulations to a pupil in 6th Class who represented our school and Sligo in the National Finals of the "I Can, You Can" essay writing competition organised by the INTO and the Department of Equality. At the Helix Theatre in Dublin he was presented with a voucher for €2,000 for IT equipment for the school in addition to €200 worth of vouchers for himself. The booklet containing all the winning essays from all over Ireland is available in the school or from the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. The Minister, Frank Fahey, says, "I am delighted to see that this year's entries continue to demonstrate an increased level of understanding of disability issues among young people."
Irish Minor School Swimming Championships
More Congraulations!

Congratulations to a 3rd Class boy who represented Rathcormac School at the All Ireland Minor Swimming Championships. He came 1st in his heat and qualified for the final. He was the only representative from all the schools in Sligo to qualify for a final.
He produced a stunning swim, making personal best times in both his heat and the final, to finish 5th in the final of the boys Under 9 breast stroke competition. Well done!
School Closures in January
School is Closed on 13th January - Staff Training - History Curriculum Day
School is closed on 23rd January - School Planning Day
Future Dates:
20th December Christmas Visit from the Fire Brigade
21st Dec Christmas Assembly 11.30 Parents welcome!
22nd Dec Closing for Christmas Holiday
9th January Opening for Spring Term
13th January School Closed for Staff Training - History
23rd January School Closed for School Planning
16th & 17th Feb Closed Mid Term Break
17th March Closed St Patrick's Day
7th April Closing for Easter
24th April Opening for Summer term
1st May Closed Bank Holiday
5th June Closed Bank Holiday
29th June Closing for Summer Holiday