Colmcille Naofa

Rathcormac School

Whole school in front of building

School News



from the PUPILS & STAFF of

Santa arrives at Christmas Assembly!


Santa arrived unexpectedly in a horse drawn sleigh during the Christmas Assembly. He was greeted by the pupils who let him in through the side door of the hall. He then gave presents to all the children. Thank you Santa for including us in your busy schedule.

Mr O'Sullivan congratulates the achievements of pupils in Swimming, Cross Country, Art, Badminton and other events

Congratulations to the pupils who took part in and won medals in the National Swimming Championships in Dublin and the Connaught Cross Country Finals. Also to the badminton and squash finalists and to those who won prizes with their art work in Christmas Card Competitions. Well done, we are very proud of you all.

Christmas Decorations

Once again our Christmas Tree looked splendid with home made decorations made from recycled materials. There were three winners who took home selection boxes; we are all winners though, we had such fun making the decorations and now enjoy them on our tree!

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Hall Decorated for the Season!

The Hall looked magnificent with various classes contributing their art work to make it festive.


5th Class Guests at Cregg House Nativity Play

Once again 5th Class were invited to the Cregg House Nativity Play. This year we went prepared with musical instruments and carols and were able to contribute to the event. It was much appreciated, as was our Christmas Gift of a tin of buscuits!


Congratulations to 6th Class
Winners in a National Competition

"Games We Can All Play"


Well done, 6th class, who took part in a Primary School Competition called "Games We Can All Play", sponsored by the Department of Justice & Equality and the I.N.T.O.

The task was to create a game that would be open to all to take part regardless of ability/disability. Here is how the pupils describe the game: "The game we designed is called 'Partners in Time'. It is an obstacle course. Children from Team One form the obstacles. The children from Team Two complete the course in pairs. One partner is blindfolded and the other directs them."

Their entry won the county final and the school will receive €2000 in P.E. vouchers and €500 in art vouchers for 6th class. The prize was presented to them on 6th December, in the Helix, Dublin, by Minister Frank Fahey.

But that is not all. We had a mobile phone call from the two girls who had gone to collect the prize - their entry had secured first place in the final and with it €10,000 of P.E. equipment and other prizes for the school.

The following week the class featured on an RTE news programme. There was a lot of excitement around the school with news presenters and camera crews!

More important though than all the prizes and television coverage, was the effort and thought that went in to creating a game that took account of other children with different needs and abilities.


Irsh Open Squash Finalist

A pupil in 4 Class got through to the Irish Open Under 11 Squash final in Leopardstown, Dublin. He was only one of two Irish born squash players to reach the final at any level. Well done to that boy and to all who take part in competitions.

Money raised through Non Uniform Day presented to the RNLI

At a suggestion from 5th Class a non uniform day was run throughout the school and donations, from parents and pupils, raised money for the local Lifeboat. Two members of the RNLI, Francis and Stewart, came to our Christmas Assembly to receive a cheque for €261.57. Well done to everyone involved.

Maths in Mr Brennan's 3rd Class

Work has continued despite all the emphasis on Christmas with its Plays, Carols & Art Work. 4th Class have been exploring shape and 3 dimensional objects...



A Feast of Christmas Plays

Six Classes in the school have been performing their Christmas Plays. The standard has been very high, it is wonderful to see young people confident in themselves performing to their peers and parents. Well done to all involved and to the teachers, support staff and friends who have made this possible. Thank you! Here are a selection of photos:

6th Class



5th Class


3rd Class


1st Class

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Senior Infants


Junior Infants


Dates for Diaries

22nd December School Closing for Christmas Holiday

8th January School Opening

16th February School Closing for Mid Term Break

26th February School Opening

16th March School Closed Staff Planning Day Drama

19th March School Closed Public Holiday

30th March School Closing for Easter

16th April School Opening

4th May School Closed Staff Training for New Curriculum - Drama

7th May School Closed Public Holiday

1st June School Closed Staff Planning Day SESE

4th June School Closed Public Holiday

29th June School Closing for Summer Holidays