Colmcille Naofa

Rathcormac School

Whole school in front of building

School News



Rathcormac School Fun Run

5th Class decided to organise a fundraising event to help the survivors of the Saint Stephen's Day Asian Tsunami Disaster. They decided, during their Circle Time, to organise a Whole School Fun Run with each class walking for a designated period of time and taking sponsor forms home to raise funds.

They spoke to the whole school about their idea at the Wednesday Assembly. They organised timetables and sponsor forms, and sent speakers to each class to explain how it would work. They designed posters and banners and laid out a course for the different age groups. They also contacted the press and organised a press release.

On Friday 4th February the whole school took part in the FUN RUN. The Weekender and the Sligo Champion came and took photos of the event. There were some amazing costumes made and worn. Because of the wonderful spirit of the event 5th Class decided to share out the fancy dress prizes between all the children and boxes of sweets were delivered to each class. Well done to all the children who made the effort to dress up for the occasion. PICTURES ARE ON THIS MONTH'S PROJECT PAGE.

Money is to be in by Friday 11th February. To date the sum of €5892 has been raised.

Thank you to all for your generosity and effort. In just over two weeks we have raised enough money to send out one of those fishing boats to replace ones lost in the disaster,

WELL DONE 5TH CLASS for your initiative and for the effort you put in to make it such a success. You have made a difference to someone's life on the other side of the world.

Partnership with Parents

Many parents have been visiting the school this fortnight and discussing their children's progress with their teachers. This is a very important series of meetings. A partnership approach can only benefit the children. Talking together and sharing goals, aspirations and difficulties, are essential components in the process.

The school will be looking at ways of improving the partnership with parents, possibly setting up a working party of parents and teachers to look at the issues from all sides and suggest ways forward. More about this next month.

M.S Readathon

Congratulations to Fourth Class who raised over €1000 for the Multiple Sclerosis Society by participating in the M.S. Readathon. The children really enjoyed reading the books. Our sincere thanks to parents and friends etc. for supporting your children.

One of the pupils in the class won a special prize and will be travelling to Dublin soon for an award ceremony.

Well done 4th Class

Positive Parenting Course

Six sessions beginning on the 7th February organised by the Parent Association in conjunction with the North West Health Board take place in the History Centre. Contact School Office for more details.

Book Fair

The book fair will take place from 22nd February to 1st March. Reading is a key skill and needs to be encouraged by both parents and teachers. Choosing and owning one's own books is a great incentive to read.

First Holy Communion &
Confirmation Dates

A date has been set for children who are making their first Holy Communion, this will take place in the parish church on Saturday 21st May at 11.00am

Confirmation for the older children will take place on Thursday 5th May at 4.00pm also in the parish church.

Future Dates:

10th February Parent Teacher Meetings

17th & 18th February School Closed Mid Term Break

22nd February - 1st March Book Fair

17th March School Closed St Patrick's Day

18th March School Closed In Service Training

24h March School Closed Easter Holidays

4th April School Opens for Summer Term

2nd May School Closed for Public Holiday

5th May 4.00pm Confirmation in the Parish Church

21st May 11.00am First Holy Communion in the Parish Church

6th June School Closed Public Holiday

27th June School Closed for Summer Holidays

1st September School Re-opens for the new school year