Colmcille Naofa

Rathcormac School

Whole school in front of building

School News




Fundraising for Chernobyl Project

Mary Power's husband, Peadar, is currently out in Belarus working with a team of skilled people from Ireland renovating an orphanage. The school raised an amazing €1355 to help with the project and thanks go to all who helped raise that sum. When Peadar returns we will update this page with news and hopefully pictures from Belarus. Thank you everyone and good luck to Peadar and his team.

Paeder returned from Belarus last week. He had been working with a team from Ireland at the Grosova Orphanage, Kahioxi. They completed all the work on the orphanage renovation. There are 220 children at the orphanage many of whom helped the team on the project. The children there say a big thank you to the children of Rathcormac School who sent them so many wonderful gifts. Here are two photos from Grosova:


Cross Country Success

We wish our athletes the best of luck in the Cross Country Connaught Finals which take place in Ballina on Saturday 8th October at 1.00pm. Our girls team qualified by coming second in the County Finals. We also have a representative competing as an individual in the boys' race. Many thanks to Brian McBride who has trained and organised the athletes.

Go n-eiré libh go léir.

It looks a stormy scene! Unfortunately the team did not get a placing in the Connaught Finals but well done for getting that far! Our thanks go to Christine McBride for the photograph!


Tesco Sport Vouchers

If you do shop at Tescos remember to pick up your Tesco Sport Vouchers and send them into school. We will be able to cash them in for some sports' equipment for use in school. Remember it is only if you already shop there, we are not asking anyone to change where they shop! Many thanks.

Flower Boxes Planted for the Winter

Busy at work and all those dirty hands to wash!

Mary Power & Sean Hennigan supervise the planting of pansies, heathers and minature daffodil bulbs - flowers and shrubs for the Winter with something to look forward to in the Spring

Look at all those faces looking out of third class windows!



What wonderful art work! - We look forward to 3rd class Project Page next month that will feature more of their excellent art.

*** A reminder that school is CLOSED on 26th October for a staff training day on the new PE curriculum, also on the 11th November for a training day on the Geography Curriculum***


Future Dates:

1st September School Re-opens for the new school year

26th Oct School Closed for Staff Training - P.E.

31st Oct - 4th Nov Closed Mid Term Break

11th Nov School Closed for Staff Training - Geography

8th & 9th Dec Closed Church Holiday

22nd Dec Closing for Christmas Holiday

9th January Opening for Spring Term

16th & 17th Feb Closed Mid Term Break

17th March Closed St Patrick's Day

7th April Closing for Easter

24th April Opening for Summer term

1st May Closed Bank Holiday

5th June Closed Bank Holiday

29th June Closing for Summer Holiday