Colmcille Naofa

Rathcormac School

Whole school in front of building

School News Sept 05



Welcome to the New School Year!

Frank O'Sullivan - The New Principal

We welcome Frank O'Sullivan to lead the staff team as the new principal of Rathcormac School. No doubt in the weeks and months ahead we will all get to know him well but here is a short passage he has written about himself for the website:

"I am a native of Tipperary and trained as a teacher in Limerick, graduating in 1988. I taught in Ilford, Essex, from Sept 1989 - 91. I was appointed assistant teacher in Carraroe N.S., Sligo, in 1991 and taught there for eight years.

In Sept 1991 I was appointed Principal of Drumlease N.S., Dromahair, and was a teaching Principal there for six years. I have a keen interest in sports, music and entertainment.

I look forward to working in Rathcormac National School for many years to come, although I am acutely aware of the task facing me in trying to replace such a respected Principal as Michael McTighe. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Fr Donnelly and the Interview Board for having the confidence to appoint me and I hope that I can justify their decision.

I would also like to thank the staff for the way they have welcomed me to Rathcormac and I look forward to working with, what I know to be, a dedicated professional group of people.

My first objective is to get to know all the 242 pupils in the school as quickly as possible. I hope to achieve this by interacting with each class on a regular basis.

Should anyone wish to discuss any aspect of school life I can be contacted anytime on 9143962.

Mise le meas,

Frank O'Sullivan."

Book Lists

At a suggestion from one of the parents the book lists for the various classes are available on the Parent Page of the website. We will make sure that next year they are on the website in June so that if anyone loses a list over the summer they can download it from the School Website.


Internal Decorations

The school has been redecorated over the summer and is looking in great shape for the new year. Our thanks must go to Sean Hennigan who did such a fantastic job while we were all on holiday; our thanks too to all staff who helped get the school ready for the first day of term.

Advance Notice of Curriculum Days

Every year the school is required to close for a number of "Curriculum Days". These days are for staff training in various aspects of the curriculum. We are closed for two of those days this term and here is advance notice of them to put in your diaries.

26th October, Wednesday, school closed for staff training in P.E.

11th November, Friday, school closed for staff training in Geography.

Staff Meeting

School will close at 2pm on Wednesday 7th September for a staff meeting.

Staff List

All staff and classes for the new year are listed below.


Future Dates:

1st September School Re-opens for the new school year

26th Oct School Closed for Staff Training - P.E.

31st Oct - 4th Nov Closed Mid Term Break

11th Nov School Closed for Staff Training - Geography

8th & 9th Dec Closed Church Holiday

22nd Dec Closing for Christmas Holiday

9th January Opening for Spring Term

16th & 17th Feb Closed Mid Term Break

17th March Closed St Patrick's Day

7th April Closing for Easter

24th April Opening for Summer term

1st May Closed Bank Holiday

5th June Closed Bank Holiday

29th June Closing for Summer Holiday