Colmcille Naofa

Rathcormac School

Whole school in front of building

School News



Rathcormac National School has been awarded a Green Flag, the culmination of two years hard work by the whole school community but especially Mary Power and the Green Flag Committee. Well done everyone! It's official, we are a green, environmentally friendly school! The flag will be presented to the school at a ceremony in June. Of course the work of a Green Flag School is on going and the process of making our society environmentally friendly is only just beginning.

The school took part in the National Spring Clean:

From 6th class to Junior Infants, Parents too, everyone helped out!

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Work took place on the school garden with help from the community too:

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For the flower boxes and flowers, a special thanks to the Parent Association see pictures on the parent web page, CLICK HERE

Poetry Week 23rd May - 26th May

During this week poetry is a focus for the whole school. Each class is working on a presentation of a poem at the whole school assembly on Thursday 26th May. Pupils are writing poems that will be displayed on "Our Poetry Wall" in the School Hall and teachers are being encouraged to talk to different classes about their favourite poems and why they like them, during that week. If any parent wishes to put a poem of their own up on the wall, please send them into the school office. We will publish some poems next month on the website.

Confirmation in 6th Class

On Thursday 6th May many pupils from 6th class made their confirmation in the Parish Church. The Sacrament of Confirmation was administered by Most Rev. Christopher Jones, Bishop of Elphin. It was an important day for the pupils and their families with much preparation going into its success. Thank you to both 6th Class teachers, Ms O'Boyle and Ms Coggins, and to Father Michael Donnelly, for all their support, tuition and encouragement.


Preparations underway for Confirmation

2nd Class - Raughley Seashore Study

2nd class went on a trip to Raughley with Bill Crowe, a Marine Scientist from Sligo IT, to study the shore line on Monday 25th April. It was an excellent day out with lots of learning taking place. Our thanks to Bill.



Cumann na mBunscol Initiative at Rathcormac School

A twelve week programme of football training has been running on Wednesdays at the school. It is a joint initiative by Cumann na mBunscol and Sligo IT sponsored by Ocean FM. We would like to thank Aoife Connor and Mark Connolly from Sligo IT for all their hard work over the twelve weeks. The children have really enjoyed the input.


Sports Day at Sligo IT

On 29th April some pupils took part in an Inter School Sports Day at the Sligo IT Athletics Track. Unfortunately all the school staff were involved in a staff training day at the Education Centre and we are indebted to Brian McBride and Catherine Kelly for organising the event and to Christina McBride, Martina Leydon and Linda McGurgan for helping on the day.

Most important was takng part and congratulations to all pupils here in the photograph for participating in the day. The Senior Mixed Team won a Gold Medal in the 4 X 200m Relay and a Silver in the 4 X 100m Relay & the Junior Mixed Team won a Silver Medal in the 4 X 100m Relay. Well done!

Participants and Parents with Mr McTighe, Principal

The Gold Medal Winning Team

Music in the School

We are very lucky to have Moninne Feeney working in the school as an SNA. When her timetable permits she runs music classes in the school, teaching singing and recorder as well as playing the fiddle herself in assemblies. Here she is working with a group from 2nd class preparing for their First Holy Communion.

Rathcormac School Sports Day

Our own Sports Day will take place on Thursday 9th June, weather permitting. As usual the day will be organised by 6th Class for the rest of the school.

Future Dates:

21st May 11.00am First Holy Communion in the Parish Church

27th May School Closed Planning Day P.E.

6th June School Closed Public Holiday

9th June Sports Day (Weather permitting)

27th June School Closed for Summer Holidays

1st September School Re-opens for the new school year