Visit from the Champions!
Father Michael invited Sean Connor, manager of Sligo Rovers, to the school to show the pupils the Eircom 1st Division Cup. Many pupils had watched the game at the Showground on Saturday night when a draw with Cobh Ramblers was enough to see them in an unassailable lead at the top of the 1st Division. The team were presented with the cup after the game. Well done Sligo Rovers!

Sean Connor and Father Michael took the cup around the various classes and Sean answered pupils' questions. Many thanks Sean for your visit.
Halloween Assembly
On the Monday before Halloween 5th Class delighted the whole school by acting out a Halloween Poem in assembly:
The costumes were fantastic and created quite a stir amongst the younger members of the audience!
'The Babbling Banshees'
A play for Halloween by 6th Class
6th Class performed their play 'The Babbling Banshees' seven times in the week leading up to the mid term break. The play was enjoyed by all the classes, and by parents too. Well done 6th Class!
The Banshees with the Seanchaí <> St Patrick & Co.
Finneagus, Fionn and Poet <> Brian Brou and the Gang
Cute little visitors?
A pupil from 2nd class brought in a mother hen with her brood of chicks. They did a tour of the school and many classes wanted to adopt them! For chickens, they were very well behaved!
Boxes for Christmas
Parents and children made a great effort in creating wonderful Christmas presents for children in Africa and Eastern Europe where many children do not have the same opportunities that we have. The beautifully decorated shoe boxes were filled with gifts, including 'essentials' such as pens, pencils, paper, sweets and toiletries, as well as other toys. 160 boxes were collected in school for shipment abroad and have now gone. Many thanks to all who contributed.
Children and parents arrive with boxes and later, representatives of all the classes gather with the 160 boxes collected in the hall.
Changes in Staff
Geraldine Doherty has left Rathcomac school to take up another post, we wish her well and thank her for her hard work and commitment. We welcome Dolores Carr as the new Special Needs Assistant.
Catherine Coggins has taken maternity leave. While Catherine is away, her post as 5th Class Teacher has been taken by Lisa Barrins. We welcome Lisa to the staff team and hope she enjoys her stay at Rathcormac.
Parent Teacher & Staff Meetings
These meetings take place after school on 22nd & 23rd November from 3.00 to 5.00 pm. Notification of how these will be conducted will go out to parents after the staff meeting
The staff meeting will take place on Monday 14th November from 2.00 to 4.00 pm. The school day for pupils will finish at 2.00pm.
Future Dates:
11th Nov School Closed for Staff Training - Geography
14th Nov Staff Meeting 2.00pm
22nd & 23rd Nov Parent Teacher Meetings 3.00 - 5.00 pm
8th & 9th Dec Closed Church Holiday
22nd Dec Closing for Christmas Holiday
9th January Opening for Spring Term
16th & 17th Feb Closed Mid Term Break
17th March Closed St Patrick's Day
7th April Closing for Easter
24th April Opening for Summer term
1st May Closed Bank Holiday
5th June Closed Bank Holiday
29th June Closing for Summer Holiday