Colmcille Naofa

Rathcormac School

Whole school in front of building

School News



Communion Class of 2004
and the Bóthar Livestock Programme


The Communion Class of 2004 raised over €480 to purchase livestock, through the Bóthar Scheme, to send to impoverished families in poorer countries. News came through that an in-kid dairy goat and a flock of chicks, pictured above, had arrived at their destination in Africa.

Bóthar informs us: "All the families in receit of Bóthar livestock are specially trained in their care. Moreover they enter a contract with Bóthar agreeing to pass on to another poor family a gift of offspring similar to that which they have received themselves. The net result is that an ever-increasing number of families can lift themselves out of poverty. They can sell surplus produce and provide for their children's education and healthcare."

Well done to the Communion Class of 2004 for raising money for such a valuable gift. Here is the certificate they received:


Music and PE In-Service Days

Staff had two excellent days, one before and the other just after the mid-term break, looking at the new curriculum in the areas of Music and P.E.. It was a combination of theory and practice with lots of practical suggestions for work we could do with our classes.

These in service training days provide an opportunity for reflection on our own work, both as individual teachers and as a school. They are also a source of new thoughts and ideas from experts in the field. They are also an opportunity to share ideas amongst ourselves and develop our sense of 'the school'. We understand that school training days without children can be difficult for parents, especially working parents, but they are essential for developing the new curriculum and teaching within the school. In the end it is the children who will reap the benefit.

Four key messages that underpinned the Music Training Day from specialist teacher Anne Ruane were:

1. Music is for all teachers and all children.

2. Equal weight is given to the three strands of the music curriculum: listening responding to music, the composing of music and the playing/singing of music.

3. Active enjoyable participation is fundamental to the music curriculum.

4 Music enhances the child's life.

Assembly Pictures

Talking of music (article above) here are some pictures of the budding musicians and singers in 6th class at assembly the other week!

6th Class... and some of the staff...

L'École de La Bastíde

Through the Rathcormac School Website the principal of a school in the south of France made contact with us. He knows Sligo well and stays regularly with friends in Rose Hill. We have set up a twinning project and some of our older children are going to correspond with their counterparts in France.

Photo taken from French School's CD
Photo of the town in France from their school's CD 2003/4

Pierre, the Principal of the French school, visited Rathcormac early in November and met the staff and some of the pupils in 6th Class. It was a brief but enjoyable visit.

Who knows we might set up an exchange! I am sure all staff would vote for a week in the sun and I know many parents would join us too!! Joking apart, it is good to have contacts that broaden horizons and develop connections across borders. In addition, Doreen McGeever plans to restart some of the French classes she trialed last year.

More news as the project unfolds. A warm welcome to any of the pupils and staff from the school in France reading this website. Bonjour, bienvenue! Failte!


Training continues, Saturday mornings 10 - 11am, on the school field. We look forward to reporting successes in due course.

Future Dates:

15th - 18th November School Inspectors Visiting the School

8th December School Closed - Church Holiday

22nd December Christmas Holidays Begin

10th January School Re-opens