Hat Brigade 44 - The Truth!
A special undercover report by Harps fanzine Down To The River
have been some strange goings on around Finn Park in the last month, particularly
in that twilight zone that is "behind the nets" A mysterious organisation
has emerged it seems, styling its self the new force at Finn Park, just who
or what is the Leather Hat Brigade 44!!!
The first signs of the Leather Hat Brigade 44 appeared through cryptic messages
on an internet message board, and of course the unusual head gear sported
by certain individuals at Finn Park. The strange goings on in the wilderness
behind the goals continued unashamedly culminating in a strange ritualistic
dance waving their hats during the Div 1 Cup Final which was captured on camera
by a local paper.You, the Harps supporting public have a right to know the
truth, so DTTR went undercover to investigate this sinister group and their
deranged activities.
infiltrated the organisation, with a combination of blackmail, bribery and
coercion we dragged the story out of some terrified Harps fans close to the
leadership of "the Hats".At a secret rendezvous in a Drumkeen cow
shed, our frightened informant confirmed to us that contrary to Paddy Walsh's
information, the Leather Hat Brigade has its origins in Turkey as opposed
to Amsterdam (that's a relief then) and is a result of a holiday to that country
by a number of prominent Harps supporters, all of whom are big fans and indeed
friend of a certain young Harps player, who in order to protect his reputation
shall remain nameless.

The Leather Hat Brigade 44
anyway these mates of Niall Bonner's went to Turkey on a holiday on which
Niall himself had hoped to go till it became clear that football commitments
would prevent him. Having promised NB a memorable present the lads decided,
in one of those moments of inspirational clarity usually only attained after
several days heavy drinking, to buy him 44 leather hats from a traders stall.
The reasons behind this decision, and indeed the choice of the number 44 remain
unknown, we believe even to "the Hats" themselves.Sparing no expense
our undercover reporter travelled to Turkey and spoke to Umit, a traumatised
leather stall owner. "Zeez crazy Irish people come to my friend Gumbit's
stall all wearing strange blue jerseys, and are asking him if he had 44 leather
hats for sale. Gumbit is a leetle crazy too and he tell them to feck off and
stop wasting his time. Then they come to my stall, I very frightened but I
show them my hats and the crazy men buy 44 hats, all different!! Then they
go back to Gumbit with all the hats and they are dancing and waving them at
heem. He very annoyed, I make good profit from crazy blue men."To complete
our research we spoke to another insider who alleged that Niall was none to
impressed with his "present" till the Div 1 Cup Final when his wonder
goal sparked off the aforementioned wild hat orientated celebrations among
his new fan club. Allegations from several sources of a pink track suit wearing
"High Hat" being the leader of the group are as yet unproven, though
we believe that video evidence exists of one of their stranger practices -
nude poolside races.
conclude our investigation we put the rumours directly to Niall Bonner himself!!
When he appeared as a substitute in St Mels Park against Athlone he was greeted
by chants (lead by our DTTR Undercover agent) of "Where's your Leather
Hats?" to which he responded with a surprised look followed by a fit
of (guilty) laughter. Seeing the suspect beginning to crack we tried a different
line of questioning with "Finn Harps F C - Niall Bonner's Leather Ha-ats"
Having completed our extensive research we fear that this exposé merely
scratches the surface of the strange world of "the Hats". However
we are happy to conclude that, however weird, they are our fellow Harps fans
and we have nothing to fear from them. We would recommend caution though,
as anyone who wears a Turkish Leather Hat to Finn Park must be deemed at least
a little bit crazier than the average Harps fan. Long may it continue, and
lets hope it inspires Niall to more wonder goals, and the FBTN men to even
more singing!!!