Have New Chairman
Willie McNulty has stepped down as Harps chairman, to be replaced by Letterkenny
man Peter Toner.
new-look board of directors will have last years vice-Chairman Toner
become Chairman of the club with long-standing committee member Sean
Quinn take on the role of vice-Chairman.

New Chairman: Peter Toner
only other changes to the board of officers are new members Trevor Gordon
and James Rodgers being elected as Ulster FA representatives.
Board of Directors for 2004 are Chairman: Peter Toner,
Vice-Chairman: Sean Quinn, Secretary:
Joe Doherty, Ass. Secretary: Damien McCarron, Treasurer:
Ian Curristan, Asst. Treasurers: Christian Carbin and
Sean Quinn, FAI Representative: Derek Wilkinson, PRO:
Joe Doherty, Ulster FA Reps: Trevor Gordon and James
Rodgers, Board Members: John McNulty, Seamus Gallagher,
Liam Breen, Alex Brady, Ann Kelly and Denise O'Neill.