







“Nude”, Ludwig Knaus

01 Any state, circumstance, opportunity, or means specially favorable to success, interest, or any desired end - benefit, gain, profit - superiority or ascendancy - vantage.  Advantage is anything that places you in an improved position especially in coping with competition or difficulties.   Vigorish: having the ‘edge’ or ‘advantage.’ 

02 Benefit is anything that promotes the welfare or improves the state of a person or group. 

03 Profit is any valuable, useful, or helpful gain. The value of :A’s

 advantages are weighed against :Bs and if :A has better prospects of winning from the position, then :A is said to have the advantage.  A player is considered to have the advantage when the position is more favourable than the opponents.  Some of the factors to be taken into account are:

03A Control of the central cells of the board. 

03B More mps on your QU-side (:qs) than your opponent. 

03C More mps on your KI-side (:ks) than your opponent. 

03D Having more MPs or mps. 

03E BS1 and BS2 versus BS1 and KT1. 

03F Controlling more cells on the board.

03G Having your MPs/mps well developed.

03H BS1 and BS2 versus KT1 and KT2.

03J Control of a file.

03K The advantage of having more time on your clock.

advantage                un avantage
decisive                 advantage décisif
developmental advantage  de développement
material advantage       matériel
obvious advantage        net avantage
positional advantage     positionnel
space advantage          d’espace

A player whose position is considered objectively better is said to have the advantage.  To have more of a chessboard asset - material or positional (time, space, mobility, PA skeleton). Examples [link] all over the Canon.  A player is said to have an advantage when their position is better then their opponent’s.   How does one know whether they have an advantage or not? It is usually based on the four principles: force, time, space, or PA structure. Where the current position of the game favours one side over another.  

A material advantage refers to having a higher point count than the opponent.  

A permanent advantage is one with a lasting effect, such as an advantage in material or superior PA structure.  

A positional advantage is an advantage in time, space, mobility, pawn structure, or control of critical cells/squares.  

A temporary advantage is one that may eventually disappear, such as a lead in development.