ave_maria                                                                                                                                                                                                          “silent night”

Angel music link


A Little Faith: Artist: Dona Gelsinger.  Jigsaw Pieces:1000.  Size: 20” x 27”. 

A backer of a play, campaign, actor etc.  A messenger - the Vaunt Courier.  Hark the Herald!  Their depiction in religious painting far outweighs their recorded presence in either Old and NT stories .  Even clerics concede that beauty is a surer magnet to the impoverished eye than textual accuracy.  Belief in angels provides an acceptable alternative to either theological commitment or corn circles and aliens in UFOs, whose innocence and messenger role mirror and mimmick that of angels.  However, extra-terrestrials of the angelic kind score over the UFO variety both historically and aesthetically.   Since the time of Botticelli angels and music have been inseparable.  St. Cecilia is the patron saint of music.  The truth is that humans need angels and always have.  These winged go-betweens have their origin much earlier than Christian art.  Winged figures have been found in pottery in Ur, and in an Egyptian tomb a winged Isis appears.  Poetically, ‘the Sons of God.’    Sometimes they appear as protectors and on occasion in human form.  The phrase ‘Angel of the Lord’ means a direct visitation of God to a human being (divine communication).  Angels of the churches (may be human beings - BSs of the churches etc).  Guardian angels.  Apostle: literally, ‘like an angel, a messenger’, ‘the deliverer of a message’, ‘an ambassador’, ‘a delegate’, ‘one commissioned.’  Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and angels (Ephesians 1:21 and Colossians 1:16).  The seven holy angels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel and Zadkiel.  69% of Americans believe in angels.   Many claim to have seen one!  A glossy magazine on the subject of angels sells 200,000 copies per month.  


Plato said “God does not deal directly with men; it is by means of winged spirits that all communication of God with man is carried out”.   The Hebrew word for angel is ‘malak’ which means ‘go-between’.   In the Bible, Jacob had a dream while sleeping near the village of Beth El.    He saw a ladder or stairway extending up to heaven with angels ceaselessly walking up and down it.   These angels carry news of the world back to the heavenly abodes.  Some angels are indistinguishable from ordinary wo/men.  Hence the expression ‘entertaining angels unawares’ (‘an elderly angel traveling incognito’).  In AD 478 a Syrian monk began to categorize and describe the various types of angels.   Dionysis the Aeropagite split them up into nine orders in his book ‘Die Hierarchia Celesti’.   The seraphim, cherubim and thrones do not have contact with our world at all.  Angels and archangels have dealings with man.  The Bible and Apocrypha mention seven angels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Anael, Camael, Sachiel and Cassiel.  All have the suffix ‘el’ attached to their names. 


Gabriel appeared to the shepherds outside Bethlehem and to the wise men (see ‘Magi’).  Angels are said to number millions.  Guardian angels function as protectors ie, chapter 10 and 12 of Daniel mentions the archangel Michael ‘the great prince who has charge of your people’ (the angel of the Jewish people).  The Koran says that we each have four angels.  Arthur Machen was the author of the ‘Angels of Mons’.   Matthew 18:10: “See you don’t despise any of these little ones.  Their angels in heaven, I tell you, are always in the presence of my Father in heaven”.  Angel Princes: guardian angels for nations ie, Angel Princes of Persia who meet in a heavenly princely court (council of God).  They have a mediatory role between earthly empires and the kingdom of God.  God acts and appears through these angel princes through whom the final victory of the kingdom of God will be announced.  Cherub/Cherubim: bearers of the divine throne and protectors of the Ark of the Covenant having many wings and covered with eyes (symbol of the omnipresence and omniscience of the higher spiritual realms). Frequently shown as Tetramorphs having four or six wings (its attribute being the wheel). 

The Aztecs had angels, and so do American Indians, Hindus and of course Muslims, who share Christianity’s top ranking angels.  The Greeks were particularly keen on their messengers from the gods.  Hermes was not the only one, and Nike, the ‘Winged Victory’, is the classical antecedent for all those exultant Renaissance angels that continue to define our image of them now.

Winged angels are largely a New Testament phenomenon.   Old Testament (Judaic) angels tended to appear as ordinary mortals, without haloes or wings.  The most important source of angelology is not the Bible at all but extra-Biblicial Jewish, Christian and Gnostic texts written between 200 BC and 200 AD, which present a cosmos teeming with angelic activity.  They are the guardian of sacred things. 


          Literary works inspired by angles include Dante (Catholic) and Milton (Protestant).   Stories of the miraculous intervention of angels or strangers offering life-saving help and vanishing are as nebelous as UFO reports.   Angels traditionally act as divine messengers and represent a higher form of consciousness emenating outside the human mind.    The angel Gabriel (Strong One of God) acted as enunciator to Mary.   The Kabbalah was received through angelic revelation.   Koran: Gabriel, the angel of revelation, who writes down the divine decrees.  Michael, the champion, who fights the battle of faith.  Azrael, the angel of death and Israfel, who is commissioned to sound the trumpet of resurrection. 

“Child Angels and Christ Child”, Louis le Nain, France

          Examples of these beings are: Uriel, Raphael, Michael and Gabriel mentioned above.   Holy Guardian Angel (the Higher Self).  Their function (role) is to carry out the will of God for individuals or nations.   ‘Angel of Yahweh’.    They are known as the ‘Heavenly Host’.  They are also said to be the guardians of individuals and churches.  They are created beings.  Maimonides equated them with Aristotle’s incorporeal intelligences.  In Islamic Africa, angels are said to be created by God from pure light.  In Caithness seals were believed to be fallen angels.  Abaddon (Bible): Angel of the Abyss, Apollyon and meaning death, destruction or the lowest stratum of sheol.  The ‘Host of Heaven’: the angels.  Japanese: ‘tenshi’.   Hebrews 13:2, Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.  Abaddon: the angel of the bottomless pit (Revelation 9:11).  Milton: ‘In all her gates Abaddon rues’ (Paradise Regained, IV, 624). 

          Gabriel (Muslim): chief of the four favored angels and the spirit of truth.  Milton mentions him as chief of the angelic guards placed over paradise.  In the Talmud he is mentioned as one of the angels who buried Moses.  He is said to have explained to Daniel certain visions (Daniel 8:16-26) and to have appeared to Mary (Luke 1:26).  Koran: took Mohammed to heaven on Al Borak and revealed to him his ‘prophetic love’.  Israfel: angel of music.  Israfel, Gabriel and Michael warned Abraham of Sodom’s destruction.   Zacharias officiating one day in the Temple saw the archangel Gabriel standing to the right of the altar.   The angel told him that he and Elizabeth would have a son, the new Elijah.  Zacharias asked for a sign to substantiate this unlikely event and the angel, chiding him for this lack of faith, condemned him to be dumb until the child’s birth.  The child was named John (the Baptist). 

“Angels Bearing Symbols of Passion”, Michelangelo, Vatican

          William Blake’s (1757-1827) pictures convey a moral purpose by the use of his own symbolic devices.  In ‘The Good and Evil Angels’ (1793), he depicts a battle between two angels which symbolize the opposing qualities of dark and light, beauty and ugliness.  He is now recognized as one of the giants of the Romantic period who lived in the world of the imagination and the spirit.  He claimed he was visited by angels! 

Ave Maria: the ‘Hail, Mary’, a prayer in the RC Church, based on the salutation of the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary and the words of Elizabeth to her.  Luke 1:28, 42.  The bead on a rosary.   Any of the musical settings of the Ave Maria.   Ave Maria-02, Ave-Maria-03, Angel. 


From ‘Educa’s Museum Series’ of quality jigsaw puzzles comes this wonderful 1,500 piece puzzle depicting Fra Angelico’s “The Annunciation”.  Completed puzzle measures approximately 24” x 34”.   Manufactured in Spain. 

In 1994 Lloyd Glenn’s son, who was three years old at the time, was crushed under a heavy garage door because of a failure in the electric system holding it in place.   The door had completely closed on his sternum, right over his heart.  Something made the mother run out of the house to see what the child was up to and it was she who found him.   The only thing she could do after releasing the door was to whisper to him: “Don’t leave us Brian, please stay if you can”.   


Left: Angelfish.  Right: Blue Angelfish

Six hours later Lloyd arrived at the hospital to find his child unconscious on a respirator with tubes and monitors everywhere.  By now his heart was doing all right and they were only worried about the damage that shortage of oxygen to his brain would have caused.  Twenty four hours after the father arrived, the child regained consciousness, looked at his father and said: “hold me Daddy”.   

Exactly, a month to the day later, Brian woke from an afternoon nap and began to speak, but not in the childlike format he had always used before.  “Sit down Mommy, I have something to tell you.   Do you remember when I got stuck under the garage door?   Well, it was so heavy and it hurt really bad.  I called to you but you couldn’t hear me.  I started to cry but then it hurt too bad.  And then the “birdies” came.   They made a whooshing sound and flew into the garage.  They took care of me.   One of the birdies came and got you.   She came to tell you that I got stuck under the door.  The mother realized that though the speech was grown up, Brian had the mind of an infant.   She asked him to describe the “birdies”.    “They were so beautiful.  They were dressed in white, all white.   Some of them wore green and white.   They told me the baby would be all right: the baby lying on the garage floor.   You came out and opened the garage door and ran to the baby.  You told the baby to stay and not leave”.   This stunned the child’s mother.  At the conscious level of remembrance the child couldn’t have known what she had asked it to do.  Then Brian said:  “We went on a trip, far, far away”.    His mother noticed he was getting agitated as he tried to get the right words to explain what happened.  “We flew so fast in the air.   They’re so pretty Mommy, and there is lots and lots of birdies”.    He was then told to tell everyone about the birdies.   He said that they brought him back to the house where he saw a fire truck and ambulance.   He tried to tell the man who was carrying the baby that the baby would be all right.   He said he didn’t want to come back but the birdies asked him to go in the ambulance.   Then he saw a very bright light and a man in the light put his arms round him and told him he had to go back.    The man said, “I love you”.   Then he heard the whoosh sound and they all went into the clouds.  Brian spoke for a full hour in this state of awareness and told his parents how the birdies whisper good ideas to us all the time but we can’t hear because our ears are not able to.  They told him that we all have a plan and that we have to live the plan and keep our promises.   He said the birdies help us to do this because they love us.   After this Brian told all kinds of people he met about the birdies, whenever his parents took him anywhere and surprised the mother, because the child was always listened to.  He never once changed any of the details of the original story.  From: ‘Newsletter of the Edgar Cayce Center’, Durham. 


Left:  French Angelfish.  Right:  Queen Angelfish. 

Skeptics Dictionary:

Angels are bodiless, immortal spirits, limited in knowledge and power.   The Bible-based religions - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - believe God created angels to worship Him.   Not all God’s angels acted angelically, however.   Some angels, led by Satan, rebelled against a life of submission, and were cast out of Heaven.   These bad angels were sent to Hell and are known as devils. 

Not all angels are created equal.  From top to bottom, the celestial hierarchy includes seraphim, cherubim, thrones; dominions, virtues, powers; principalities, archangels, and angels.   Angels have different functions.  Some do nothing but worship their Lord.   Others are sent to deliver messages to creatures on earth.   Some are sent as protectors of earthlings.   Still others are sent to do battle with devils, who are viewed as initiators of evil temptations. 

Even though angels are spirits are devoid of a physical nature, believers in angels have had no problem depicting and describing them.   Angels, say their advocates, are invisible but can take the form of visible things.   Angels are usually depicted with wings and looking like human adults or children.   The wings are undoubtedly related to their work as messengers from God, who lives in the sky.   The anthropomorphizing is understandable.  Depiction enhances belief.   But a bodiless creature cannot be depicted.   A depiction of a creature of less than human stature would be undignified and unworthy of celestial creatures.  Nevertheless, it is puzzling how a bodiless creature thinks and feels.   To talk of a spirit as a non-bodily creature seems to be akin to talking of a “round square”.  Trying to imagine thinking or feeling occurring independently of a body is like trying to imagine the spherical shape of a ball occurring independently of the ball. 

Since angels are invisible but capable of taking on visible forms, it is understandable that there have been many “sightings”.   Literally anything could be an angel and any experience could be an angel-experience.   The existence of angels cannot be disproved.   The down side of this tidy picture is that angels cannot be proved to exist, either.   Everything that could be an angel could be something else. Every experience that could be due to an angel could be due to something else.   Belief in angels, angel sightings and angel experiences is entirely a matter of faith. 


Close up Study of Sky Object in Carlo Crivelli’s “The Annunciation”


Crivelli’s “The Annunciation”

Even if they exist only in the imagination, however, angels can be very useful. They can serve as monitors of behavior and protectors of children.   A parent can try to control a child’s behavior by convincing the child that an angel is always watching over him or her.   The angel is presented as being a kind of guardian, but the child will hopefully realize that the angel is also keeping track of all deeds, good and bad, even those done when mommy and daddy aren’t around.   The guardian angel is a comforting and versatile concept, and is the basis for many myths. Much entertainment in books, films and television programs is based on the concept of the guardian angel, often transformed into a superhuman master of occult powers. 

Traditional religionists are not the only ones who love angels. New Age mythmakers have made an industry out of angels.   Dozens of books connecting angels with everything from guidance in daily life to talking to the dead to psychic healing are published every year.   Sales of angel figurines and other material products are brisk. As one lofty soul put it: “Gently guided by angels, we nurture and cherish the creative soul that heals itself”.  

See related entries on angel therapy, astral projection and souls.

further reading

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Not what we have but what we enjoy constitutes our abundance - John Petit-Senn

Finding Abundance

          This symbol was received in direct transmission from Archangel Metatron by Dvora Pearlman.  It was received as a teacher and a tool - to learn, to use and to connect with divine flow and its manifestation in three dimensional realities.  The Hebrew word for abundance is Shefa

Sacred Hebrew language

          In the Jewish tradition, Hebrew is the sacred language of creation.  The Hebrew language is so sacred that it wasn’t spoken for the day-to-day actions.  Aramaic and later Yiddish were used as the spoken languages while Hebrew was dedicated only to prayers and holy work. In the Kabala, Hebrew is a language of creation.  It is a language that can be used to create reality.  In fact, it is believed to be the tool used by the Creator to create this universe. 

 Abundance pendant

Abundance pendant gold

The power of words

          The sacredness of spoken language is not singularly Jewish.  The Indian sacred language - Sanskrit, holds the same power and holy attributes.  It is the innate ability to create that makes both Hebrew and Sanskrit holy languages.  This is what the SHEFA symbol comes to teach.

          SHEFA is a word in its highest most profound meaning, a tool for creating abundance.
It holds a powerful kinetic energy that when coupled with intent for the highest good and aligned with Divine will, can move mountains or feed the world.

Abundance Meditation

          Close your eyes and find a peaceful quiet place inside yourself.  Ground yourself well and open your Crown charkas to allow the energy of higher light to come into your body.  See the SHEFA symbol with your inner eye and allow it to enter your body.  Start rotating it, this way creating a 3-D object.  Allow it to move up and down in your body.  Let it shrink so it can rotate in your cells and let it grow so it can imbued your whole auric field with SHEFA.  Let it teach you the ways to work with it, let it answer your questions.  Let it be the kinetic force behind your actions. 


Spiritual wind inflating the personal sails that each one of us holds

Fire of God igniting and exciting our hearts

Water that contains and embraces, carrying us onwards on our path

Earth, Mother of man, supporting and nourishing, receiving and giving in an endless dance with all Beings.

Light of Unity rejoicing its infinite colors

A Living name who, on its way back to the sacred language with the code of fire gets ignited and with the source united.

An endless Divine Abundance to the one who receives without grasping