Syntax A to Z

alone again                                                                                                                                        the greatest love of all

++A = checkmate for alpha 

A++ = alpha to play and checkmate

A-DR = alpha to play and draw

A+ = plus - with advantage to alpha

A = used in the text to indicate the alpha MPs/mps

ie, A-PA1, A-PA2, A-KT1, A-BS2, A-QU1, A-KI 

alpha is the first side to move ie, 01A, 02A, 03A

example, 01A PA4-$D02/D04

:ab.   abeyance

:ac.   attacked cells

++ACM.  arabian checkmate

++AD  agreed draw

AD = adviser, AD1 AD2

:ad = advanced :ad-PA, :ad-GU

:adv = adversary

:al.   ad libitum.   ad Lib

:an.    annotation

++ANCM.   anastasia’s checkmate

:am.   active move

:amt.   animadversion - animadvert

:aod.   apple of discord

:AOM = all other moves [mp]

:ap.   advancd passed :ap-PA, :ap-GU

:apm.   anti positional move

:apo.   Apostil

:as.   actively sacrificed

@ = drop - please see shogi

AZ monogram table


++B = checkmate for beta

B++ = beta to play and checkmate

B-DR = beta to play and draw

B+ = plus - with advantage to beta

B = used in the text to indicate the beta MPs - mps

ie, B-PA1, B-PA2, B-KT1, B-BS2, B-QU1, B-KI

beta is the second side to move ie, 01B, 02B, 03B

example, 01B PA5-$D07/D05   note: in chesmayne the light or dark MPs/mps may open - alpha is always the side to open irrespective of colour

... = three dots - the move of beta is sometimes indicated by three dots ie,   ...PA5-$EO7/EO5. 

B$ = block of cells

BA = bannerette, BA1 BA2

:ba.  backward :ba-PA, :ba-GU

:bal.   balance, equilibrium

++BC.   boden’s checkmate (++CM by two BSs)

:bc.  blocked cell

:bd-BS.   Bad Bishop

:be.  best move

BE = berolina.   BE1 BE2 BE3 BE4 BE5

++BK.   bare KI checkmate

:bk. backward - behindhand

:bl.  blocked :bl-PA, :bl-GU

++BK.   bare KI checkmate

:blk.   blockade

:blu.   blunder.   See ‘??’

:bm.   brilliant move

:bmdc.   best move in difficult circumstances

:bmk.  fetlock

:bp.  balanced position

BQ = baidaq (mp), BQ1, BQ2, BQ3

++BR.   back rank checkmate

:br.   barrier.   See ‘barricade

BS = BS, BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4 = promoted mp to BS

:bt. beaten

:bum.   Brilliant but unsound move

:by.   battery

++BYL.   by-your-leave - a request to ++RSresign


:c$   corner cell

:cac   corps-a-corps

+CC  cross check

:cc   central control

:cc$   conjugate cells

:cd   coda

:cds   cul-de-sac

:cf   closed file

+CH = check [simple]

:ch   chained (mps)   catenate

:cha   chain.   concatenate

:cip   call-into-play

:cj   conjugate cells

:cjp   conjugate pair

:ck   cook

++CM -  the abbreviation for ‘checkmate’, used in

Chesmayne to indicate the ‘end’ of the game 

:cm   combination

++CMA   announced checkmate

++CME   epaulet checkmate (by QU, RO1 or RO2) 

++CMK   checkmate by a knight (KT, KM, SB etc) 

CN = cannon, CN1 CN2

:cn   cordon

:cnt   connecting MP/mp - copula

:co-KTs   connected KTs

:co   connected :co-PA, :co-GU

:com   feuilleton, comment

:cp   complicated position

:cpn   cross-Pin

:crp   cramped position

:cpr   chess problem

++CR   cognovit resignation

:cr   corralled 

:cs   crucial stage - great divide

:ct   counter threat

:cw   certain win

:cy   cynosure

:cow   colour weakness


:da   decisive advantage

:dad   dos-a-dos

:dat   discovered attack

+DC   discovered check

++DC   discovered checkmate

:dc   dangerous corner, see :ndc [non-dangerous corner]

:dca   discovered attack

++DCM   dilaram’s checkmate

++DCMP   direct checkmate problem

+DD = double discovered check

:dd   dead draw (nothing that either player can do to avert a ++DR)

D$ = diagonal

:def   deflection

:de   desperado :de-PA, :de-GU

:dec   decisive Error

:di   double isolated :di-PA, :di-GU

:di-ROs   disconnected ROs

DK = duke, DK1 DK2

:dm   double move (mp)

+DO = double check.   royal battery check

:doa   double attack (ie, a fork)

:do-fc   double fianchetto

:do-KI   diagonal opposition

:do   doubled :do-PA, :do-GU

DOP = director of play (arbiter)

:dp   difficult position

:dpo   decisive point.   crux

++DR   draw (simple)

+DRCC = direct return capture check

:drp   drawn position

++DRR   draw by repetition (three times)

++DR50   draw after 50 move rule

:ds.   diversionary sacrifice, see ‘decoy

:ds-BS   double BS sacrifice

:ds-RO   double sacrifice RO

:dt   denouement

:du   dummy :du-PA, :du-GU

:dy   decoy :dy-PA, :dy-GU
































:ea   Entr’acte

:ec   Escape cell

:ed   Edge of board

:e.g. = exempli gratia [for example]

:EG   end game

:ek   erlking

enp   en prise

:EG   end game

:ep   en passant - a PA capturing move

++EPU.  e pluribus unum ++CM by a mp

:eq   equality

:equ   equalize

:er   error

:ero   eroded

:es   epistle side

:est   estrapade

:ev   evacuee

:exc   exchange

:ex-fc   extended fianchetto

:ex-KI   expansion KI-side

:ex-QU   expansion QU-side

:exp-KI   exposed KI


F$ = file

F$-cl = closed file

F$-on = open file

F$-so = semi open file

:fa   far advanced, :fa-PA, :fa-GU

:fb   fabian

FC = family check +FC

:fc  fianchetto

++FCM   fool’s ++CM   shortest game any ‘level

:fcp   fairy chess problems

:fd  fid

:fds   felo de se

:fe   farandole

:fh   forehand

:fg   figurant

:fk   fork

:flc   flight cell

:flm   flying mare

++FM   forced checkmate: your opponent has already played a

series of moves which have forced the winning move

:fm   forced move

:fma   fermata

:fmn   forget me not

FMO = first move option [mp]

:fmp   fixing a mp

:fnt   feint

:foh   full of holes

foot soldier = FS1 FS2 FS3 etc

:fp   forward passed  :fp-PA, :fp-GU

:f(P) = evaluation function

:foc   forced capture

:fos   forced sequence

:ft   faineant

:ftd   fidated

:ftr   fellow traveler

:fw   footway

:fxc   fixed center

:fy   fey


:ga   game

++GBK   great bare KI

:gd-BS   good BS

GE = general, may be replaced by KI, RE etc

:ge   gauche gaucherie

:gg   greek gift

GH = grasshopper, EM1 EM2 [jumping QU] empress

:gk   gaskin

:gm gms, Gm, Gms.   game(s)

:gmo   good move

++GMD   grand master draw

:go   gote

:gol   golden move

:gr   grip   bind

:gs   galley slave

:gt   game tree

GU = vanguard.   GU1, GU2, GU3


:ha   hanging :ha-PA, :ha-GU 

:hat   heel and toe

:hc   home cell

:hf   huffing

HMB = his majestic beneficience - KI

:ho   hole

:ho-BSs   horwitz BSs

:ho-KI   horizontal opposition

:hod   half open diagonal

:hof   half open file

:hor   half open rank

:hp   home position - ISP

:hp-PA   half passed PA

:hpn   half pin

:hpo   hitching post

HSM = her serene majesty - QU1

:htf   hold-the-fort

:hv   havelock


++ICM   ideal checkmate

i.e. = latin, id est - that is

IM = imitator

:im   illegal Move

:imz   intermezzo

:in   inferior ++CM ie, ++BK  

:ins   intuitive sacrifice

:int   interpose, interposition

:is   isolated :is-PA, :is-GU

ISP = initial starting position


:ja.   j’adoube

:jd.   jerid

JK = joker

:ju.   jumping knight, VC, CN, chequer move


KI =     king   May be replaced by RE, GE etc 

:fc-KI   KIs fianchetto

KM =   knight magnifico, KM1 KM2

KN =    knight oriental, KN1 KN2

:ks =     king-side

KT =    knight, KT1 KT2 KT3 KT4 = promoted mp to KT


           :L01, :L02, :L03 etc 

:le =    legal move 

LE =   leo  

:lm =   leaping move 

:lo-MP =   locked MP 

:lo-mp =   locked mp, :lo-PA, :lo-GU 

++LS =   loss 

++LT =   loses-on-time - failure to make a specified number of moves)

:lt = latent mp, :lt-PA, :lt-GU 


MA = mann-mantri


++MC   mirror checkmate

:me   middle of the board

:MG   middle game

:mi   mistake

:mka   masked attack

AZ monogram table

MP = major piece

Mp or mp = minor piece

mp = mp01, mp02, mp03 etc

:op-MP   major piece outpost

MR = minister, MR1 MR2

++MS   mirror stalemate

++MV   medinese victory - see ++BK 

:ncm =  non capturing move 

:ndc  =  Non dangerous corner 

:nm   =  next move 

++OD =  offered draw 

:od =  Oopen diagonal 

:of  = open file 

:op =  outside passed :op-PA, :op-GU 

:or =  open rank 

:os =  open space, areol 

:otb =   over the board 

:pa   passed :pa-PA :pa-GU  

PA = PA1 PA2 PA3 etc    

+PC = pendulum check 

++PDR   pendulum draw 

+PE = perpetual check 

:pf   preceps facile 

PG = praetorian guard, PG1 PG2 

:pha   press home the advantage 

PL = palatine, PL1 PL2

Plus (+) = plus sign - the abbreviation for ‘check

++PM   pseudo checkmate.   Your opponent can only delay ++CM by a series of blocking moves

:pn   pin

:pn-KI = pin on the KI

:pn-KI+CH = pin and +CH on the KI

:pn++CM = pin checkmate

:pn++ST = pin stalemate

POB = post office box - input cell

:po   poisioned mp, :po-PA, :po-GU 

PR = prince, used on XD cells

:pr-BS =  protected BS

:prb  :pro.  problem 

PS = princess, used on XL cells

:ps   passively sacrificed

:pt   play for time

:py   go-by

QU       = QU   QU1 QU2 = promoted mp to queen 

QU-fc   = QUs fianchetto 

q.v.       = latin, quod vide [which see]  

:qs         =   QU-side 

R$         = rank -  see ‘dollar

:ra         =  retrograde analysis

RB        = see ‘reflecting BS

:rc         = recapture

:rd         =  removing the defender

RE         = regent, may be replaced by the KI, GE etc

:rk-BSs  =  raking BSs

RO        = rook, RO1 RO2 RO3 RO4 = promoted mp to rook

++RS     =  resigned

:rt          =  relaxes tension, see ‘dentente

:ru         =  rule

:se            =   sacrifice 

:sa           = slight advantage 

SB           = standard bearer, SB1 SB2 

s/he         = she/he 

:SM        = special move :mp ie, en passant

+SCH     = spite check 

++SCM  = scholar’s checkmate 

++SE      =  selfmate suimate 

:sk          =  skewer 

++SM     = smothered checkmate 

:sm         =  sealed move 

:sof         =  semi open file 

:sp          =  strengthens position 

:sam       = safe move 

:sw          = swindle 

SOL-F    = solution follows 

SOL-1    = solution in 1 move 

SOL-1    = solution in 2 moves 

SOL-3    = solution in 3 moves 

SOL-4    = solution in 4 moves 

:sot         =  style of play 

++ST      =  stalemate 

:st           =  strong move 

:sto         = stopping move   contretemps 

#             = sharp - promotion cell

TA        = talia 

:tc         =   tactical-move 

:td-MP =   trapped MP 

:tg        =   triangulation 

:th        =   threat 

:ti         =   tied MP/mp :ti-PA, :ti-GU 

:tip       =   tied piece 

titan     = TT1 TT2 TT3 etc 

TN       = theoretical novelty

:tp        =   turning point 

:tpf       = two separated PAs in a file  - see :do-PAs

++TR    =   threefold repetition of position - ++DR

:tr         =   trebuchet 

:tri        =   tripled :tri-PA, :tri-GU 

:tra       =   trapped mp, :tr-PA, :tr-GU 

trojan   = TR1 TR2 TR3 etc

:ud   =    united 

:ufg  =    unfinished Game 

:ug   =    unguarded 

:va       =   vacating a cell 

vandal = VA1 VA2 VA3 VA4 VA5 VA6 VA7 VA8 

VC      = vaunt courier, VC1 VC2 [jumping BS] 

:vc       =   vacant cell - gable window 

viz       = latin, videlicet [namely] 

:vo-KI = vertical opposition 

:w$         =   weak cell 

:we-KI    =   weakened KI-side 

:we-QU   =   weakened QU-side 

:wfco      =   withdraws from capturing option 

:wm        =   waiting move 

++WN    =   win 

:wep       =   weak Point 

wo/men  = women-men 

:wp        =   weakened position 

XB   = blue blocked cell 

XC   = blocked cell   XR   XW   XB 

XD   = dark cell 

XL   = light cell 

XR   = red blocked cell 

XU   = unblocked cell/part of the board -  see pomona 

XW  = white blocked cell 

XY   = algebraic notation-standard notation 

:zm  =   zugzwang mutual, see zugzwang 

:zp   =   zugzwang partial see zugzwang 

:zt    =   zugzwang trebuchet - double zugzwang