check mate

Checkmate simple, ++ or, ++CM 

Checkmate in 1:   Quiz no.1 Quiz no.2 Quiz no.3 Quiz no.4 Quiz no.5 Quiz no.6

Checkmate in 2:   Quiz no.1 Quiz no.2 Quiz no.3 Quiz no.4 Quiz no.5 Quiz no.6

Checkmates with names

   If the KI is in check and there is no legal move that can get you out of check then you are checkmated and the game is lost.    An attack on your opponent’s KI from which it cannot escape using one of the three methods mentioned below.  When checkmate occurs, the game has ended and the person playing the checkmate has won.   See the check [link] section of the tutorial.  

A check which cannot be parried by moving the KI to a safe cell, blocking the attack or capturing the checking piece.

  ++CM ends the game: the player who is checkmated has lost.   Mate has the same meaning as checkmate and is frequently used in its place.   Threatening the capture of the enemy KI such that it cannot escape.   This wins the game for the attacking side. 

A self-inflicted torture by novices who don’t know the word “resigns”!   See ‘Check’ for further details.