Roaring Water Bay - The Seige of Kilcoe

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   The Seige of Kilcoe

        "Now, Fergus, now your soliders call! this
        night decides your fate,
        Place twenty men upon the wall and
        twenty at the gate;
        For underneath we see the plumes of the
        accused foe
        Who come to rack and gut and sack this
        Castle of Kilcoe."

        "From Bandon's town at break of day one
        thousand armed men
        Set forth in proudest war array through
        Woodland, marsh and fern,
        And every hut or home they met they
        Fired or levelled low,   
        And now they wait outside the gate to
        drive us from Kilcoe."

        "By Heavens!" cries Fergus, rising up "I
        Dare the Saxon's might
        To take my Father's kingly court or drag
        it down to-night;
        Rise up, Rise up, my clansmen true, and
        Face the hellish foe
        Who stands outside in martial pride, and
        drive them from Kilcoe."

        The stillness of the summers night as
        Fergus wrathful spoke,
        The clash of steel and musket shots and
        angry war-cries broke;
        And higher, louder grew the din, as if
        the powers below,
        Were loosed to slaughter helpless men that
        night at old Kilcoe.

        For three long hours the combat raged
        and neither side had won
        The gates at lenght were broken through,
        but nothing more was done;
        For issuising forth like Achilles, young
        Fergus faced the foe;
        "Brave boys" he cried, "stand be my
        side for Freedom and Kilcoe."

        In vain the Saxons strove to force the
        dauntless warrior back,
        His flashing steel like lightning swept, and
        Corpses strewd his track
        His clansmen seeing their young chief so
        bravely charge the foe,        
        In one fell swoop destroyed them all that
        night at old Kilcoe.

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