Q & A

The Parish Bulletin


Rollers/Sparkers will be playing two shows over the next couple of weeks. They'll be showcasing new material too, some of it as hard as vicars' elbows, some of it very floppy indeed. The first show will be in Belfast at Aunt Annie's on Monday September 20th. The second will be in the Spiegeltent in Dublin on Saturday September 25th. Why not join us?

The Monday 20th gig at Auntie Annie’s will be with Belfast's Joss Mills (formerly of Backwater) and will be held in conjunction with the Deltaduvet Club. Also present, and slathering the air with his oil-based tune-paint, will be the artist currently known as Gavin Duvet. He's the man whose paintings adorn the sleeves of "Geography for the Leaving" and "Second Level Crossing".

The Saturday 25th gig at the Spiegeltent will be with Colleen, of the acclaimed Leaf label. Colleen made quite a few friends at the Mór festival in 2003 and her sparse, melancholic loops will doubtless resonate well in the decadent luxury of the Spiegeltent. The dear only hopes that Rollers/Sparkers don't make a muck of the place.


Some people said nice things about the recently released Rollers/Sparkers album "Second Level Crossing". You can find some of them here.


Did you know you can buy "Second Level Crossing" over th'Internet? All you need is a PayPal account. Just go to http://www.paypal.com/, follow the link for sending money and transfer €12 (plus €1.50 postage) to goods "at" rollerssparkers.com (we can't write the address the correct way as it attracts spammers) for each copy of the album you wish to buy. In time, we hope to have one of those shiny PayPal buttons on our website, but until then you'll have to make do with plain old zipper-era technology. It's fully secure so don't worry about your money falling into the wrong pockets.