(1) Intimidated by Urban Development?

(2) In a flap over reading a map?

(3) Believe that a terminal moraine is just another name for a very dim person?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you need "Geography For The Leaving", the debut EP from Rollers/Sparkers.

A limited edition CD release, "Geography For The Leaving" will be available from Monday November 25th 2002 in selected retail outlets only. However, copies can be reserved by e-mailing goods"at"rollerssparkers.com. For a preview of the sleeve art, go to http://www.rollerssparkers.com/geography_for_the_leaving.htm.

Watch this space for news of the official launch gig, to be held in conjunction with Lazybird on December 8th at The Cobblestone in Smithfield, Dublin.