last updated: April 02 2002

Lego Pics Samples - Canon G2
Simple snaps taken with a Canon G2 - some with 1+2+4 tiffen lenses added
Photos were reduced 25%x25% (1/16th I guess) in paintshop-pro. A couple were cropped.
The unedited but re-saved in paintshop to reduce the filesize can be seen by clicking on these pics,
typically these are are c. 200k-300k
The originals were c. 1250k
This isn't the best the camera can do, just the best I can do to show the camera
lego possibilities in 5 minutes.

The hair on pic 109-0932's chin I thought was a bit of fluff on my lens, but no, it WAS on his chin.

Ronan Webb April 2002 -