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THE AGE OF OUTBREAKS by Jon Rappoport April 16 2003 "It's a dry run for something far more serious, that's for sure." --Dr. Frank Plummer Why have I focused so heavily on the SARS situation? Aside from the hysteria, the travel restrictions, the quarantining, the foul and absurd science, the OP [psy-operation] here involves softening up the public for a future in which these "epidemics" will be invented ad nauseam. People will become used to it. The Age of Outbreaks. Just as the public has been conditioned to everything that goes with the so-called war on terrorism, the public is also being conditioned to everything that goes with the war on germs. I predicted this in 1987 while I was writing my first book, AIDS INC, and now I am watching the charade gain steam. A germ is an ideal candidate for an OP because a germ has no politics, no agenda, no ideology. And therefore, the pros who investigate, make pronouncements about, and issue orders concerning, a germ appear to be neutral, without political baggage, objective. This mask of objectivity is the mask of the modern priesthood. The public cannot get a grip on how to deal with an objective pose. "Well, the doctors are just telling us what they find and what we have to do about it. So how can we object?" Precisely. That is the whole idea. The two most important political novels of the 20th century, 1984 and Brave New World, did not really take up this subject. Even Brave New World was mainly concerned with science used to produce a utopian nightmare. But if the political landscape of the world becomes, more and more, fashioned by medical "observations," people everywhere feel they are being treated with exact truth. The mind cannot compute that well. The gears of the mind spin in place. A sense of inevitability sinks in. There is, in the long run, no better OP for the purpose of control. Processions of events appear to be moving as they must. And the whole environmental movement is hijacked to provide us with an explanation: mother nature herself is dictating terms; given our way of life in this technological era, it is all unavoidable; from out of the rainforests and jungles and villages of an older time, germs are moving out; they are heading our way; all we can do is knuckle under and obey the medical masters as they struggle to keep us protected; it's not politics, it's science. The illusion is thus created and sustained. The veil of Maya is cast by the World Health Organization. It even gets better (worse). 99.9999999 percent of the people working for WHO are themselves captives of the illusion. Everything they do and say comes from within the dream. * * * Jon Rappoport has worked
as a free-lance investigative reporter for 20 years. He has written articles
on politics, health, media, culture and art for LA Weekly, Spin Magazine,
Stern, Village Voice, Nexus, CBS Healthwatch, and other newspapers and
magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has hosted, produced, and written
radio programs. He has appeared as a guest on over 200 radio and television
programs, including ABC's Nightline, Tony Brown's Journal (PBS), and Hard
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