Hysteria-Free SARS Info |
TRICKS OF THE PHARMA TRADE by Jon Rappoport April 20 2003 About five years ago, I gave a talk to a group called Alive and Well. The lecture room was in Plummer Park in Hollywood. The subject was AIDS. I was trying to explain how the HIV test could be tailored to attack any group of people under the sun. As an example, I chose Plummer Park itself. Suppose, I said, somebody (ies) wanted to target the Park. They could issue a press release saying that some sort of cluster of disease had broken out there. They could settle on a virus as a cause. Some harmless virus. Then they could devise a test that would show the presence of this virus in a person's blood. Well, not actually the virus itself, but antibodies that respond to the presence of the virus. Of course, this test would also register positive for all sorts of other things. Alcohol, gonorrhea, junk food, marijuana, cytomegalovirus, nitrites, heavy metals, whatever. The next step: urge and insist that anyone who has been in the Park in the last 30 days get tested. Also urge anyone who has been in contact with a Park visitor get tested. Naturally, lots of these tests will read positive. Then, treat these people with a toxic drug that actually causes some of the vague symptoms that have been listed as evidence of the Plummer Park Syndrome. Or quarantine those who test positive. Voila. You have an epidemic. From this basic strategy, you can spin off all sorts of wrinkles. It's pretty easy. Who benefits? Those who "discovered the new disease." Those who want to target the Park people. Those who sell the drugs to treat the "outbreak." Those who want to restrict civil liberties. Of course, you do need people to be sick. And this isn't hard to work out. Some people who visit the Park are sick: the elderly, some junkies, some homeless. And those who get the toxic medical drugs as treatment get sick. All these people you call victims and carriers of Plummer Park Syndrome. The symptoms are vague enough to sweep them all into the net. I know this whole idea shocks some people. But look: in the SARS situation, so much standard science has been cast by the side of the road in the push to proclaim a coronavirus the cause, you have to ask yourself how these researchers and medical bureaucrats can look at themselves in the mirror. Let's call that criminal negligence. And if medical honchos are willing to live with that, it's only one step from there to consider that there are OTHER people who are willing to USE that negligence. If there are all sorts of medical folk who are running around willing to sell their souls for a buck, or for fame, or for promotions, or jobs, or grant monies, then there are BUYERS. Where there are sellers, there are buyers. You see it every day in commerce and in politics. Why should medicine be any different? It isn't. * * * Jon Rappoport has worked
as a free-lance investigative reporter for 20 years. He has written articles
on politics, health, media, culture and art for LA Weekly, Spin Magazine,
Stern, Village Voice, Nexus, CBS Healthwatch, and other newspapers and
magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has hosted, produced, and written
radio programs. He has appeared as a guest on over 200 radio and television
programs, including ABC's Nightline, Tony Brown's Journal (PBS), and Hard
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