by Fintan
Dunne April 21, 2003
WASHINGTON, DC --Scuffles broke out after a protest Sunday by viruses
--aimed at countering SARS media dominance. Earlier HIV and West Nile
viruses had gathered peacably in front of the White House to hear speakers
denounce the media and SARS.
to take a stand against this jumped up runny nose," an unidentified
HI virus told the crowd to cheers. "Go back to the sewage you came
Earlier, at a press conference the media had come in for heavy criticism.
"We need balanced reporting of disease, a West Nile spokesvirus
told reporters. "Fifty times as many people die from influenza
and regular pneumonia worldwide in one day, than have died so far from
Viruses handed out press information packs detailing what they maintain
are gross flaws in SARS diagnostic criteria. "SARS is not even
a proper disease," the handout claims. "Take out those who
later prove to be just ordinary pneumonia and you are left with a few
hundred SARS cases."
"Even then, 96% of people with SARS recover. Ten times that many
never get symptoms bad enough to seek treatment. Today, in Canada they
just admitted that only half of cases have this pathetic corona virus.
So the real fatality rate is probably 0.05%." reads the handout
produced by the Joint HIV & West Nile Action Group.
"We are struggling. This may be curtains for AIDS," a dejected
HI virus admitted to reporters. "Do you realize there were only
221 new Canadian cases of AIDS diagnosed in 2001. And, cases have declined
every year from a peak of 1,759 in 1993. Where did it all go wrong?
It's a distant memory from when HIV was getting this SARS level of publicity."
"Face it, every new disease, is gonna wipe the world out, thanks
to you guys in the media. But look at HIV today, twenty years on. We
never even managed to knock out the hookers. And that's a grim reality
for an STD."
"But we could be a contender again. You gotta give us a fair media
Later, the protest meeting heard a West Nile speaker proclaim. "We
West Niles are for the birds -and a few humans thrown in too. But we
need the broad criteria that SARS enjoys. Cough and fever! That's gives
SARS the lions share of the market. And look at HIV, they got cervical
cancer, fer chrissake! That's not even immune system related. Clinical
conditions should be shared out equitably between all viruses. We want
decent conditions -we won't be fobbed off with ingrown toenails and
nappy rash."
It was those comments about the wide range of medial conditions currently
included as AIDS-defining which seemed to incense some of the HI viruses
on the speaker's platform. Scuffles broke out among the viral representatives,
as police moved in with disinfectant to restore order.
"Shaddup West Nile," roared an outraged HI virus as police
led it away. "you're only petrochemical pollution you little MTBE
gas additive jerk."
"Up yours," retorted a West Nile virus as the meeting broke
up in disarray. "AZT killed all the queers. You're just false positives."