Don't let Scouts vote with their feet! 
“Go Training and Beat Boredom "

Hot News 7th April 2004


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If you are a person involved in completing a Woodbadge project and your Assessment has not yet taken place, please contact The Training Team. We are in Larch Hill every Thursday night from 2030 to 2230 hours - The phone number is 01-495 6300. Let us k now and we will try to arrange for completion.

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Selected members of the two former Associations have received invitations to join The Training Team and their replies are now being processed. It is hoped to have the Team organised and ready to implement the new Woodbadge Scheme after the summer break. There may be some initial discussion and consultation amongst the Team before "all systems will be go".

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Training Commissioner John Meikleham has taken some steps to organise The Training Team for Scouting Ireland. He has appointed four Assistants with the following responsibilities:

1. Donal McGahon to work with the Duty Patrol on administration and support for Training in general

2. Sheila Haskins to work with four working groups on the revision of the Woodbadge Scheme

3. Gay Davoren to be responsible for liaison with the Provincial Training Co-ordinators and for general support and assistance to the members of The Training Team

4. Cliona Flood to develop "Management" Training - this is intended for Group Leaders, Commissioners and other senior personnel

Cathal Walsh will continue to lead the Training of Trainers Courses and Tony Caffrey will be Training Administrator, assisted by Terry Cullen.

The Duty Patrol continues in slightly different form with Donal McGahon, Tony Caffrey, Terry Cullen, Alan Carroll, Kevin Fahy, Brian Hughes, Tommy Keenan, Desi McAroe and Martin O'Brien.

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