Scout Troop Scouters |
For a Scout Leader or Assistant Scout Leader the next step in Training is the second module of Woodbadge Basic Training. This is a weekend course called "Scouting in Action (Scout)"
This two-day weekend Course will help you to
Plan interesting programmes
Understand Badgework as a means of progressively training the Scouts
Use games both for fun and as an educational method
Understand the use of records, plan and stage ceremonies and maintain proper uniform standards
Identify methods of maintaining control and discipline in the Troop
Undertake activities in the outdoors
Learn ways to make the Patrol System a reality in your Troop
Understand the current issues relating to children
Course Schedule:
Date | Final Date | Course No. | Venue |
9/10 Oct. 2004 |
23-Sep-04 |
Larch Hill | |
* Status is an indication of how bookings are
going upto the FINAL DATE | ||
* Status = |
Go | means
bookings are being accepted |
Status = | Going |
means some bookings are still being accepted |
* Status = |
Gone | means
no more bookings are being accepted |
Status = | No
Go | means cancelled due to insufficient
numbers |
When you have attended this Course you go on to Woodbadge Advanced Training. This is in two Modules and you can select whichever you wish to do first. These modules are called "Programme Skills (Scout)" and "You, the leader"
This two-day weekend Course deals with practical aspects of the Programme, especially outdoor activities. Core sessions include Troop Camp, Hikes and Outings. You can then choose workshops to meet your own needs. These may include Care of equipment, Nature Study, Map & Compass, Ropework and Pioneering, Axemanship, survival skills, Campcraft.
Date | Final Date | Course No. | Venue |
Assistant Regional Commissioners (Scout) who are not also Scout Troop Scouters:
You are very welcome to attend the Scouting in Action and Programme Skills Courses for this Section. They will be of great benefit to you in your work of supporting Scout Troop Scouters.
Further details and availability:
National Headquarters 01-495 6300 (from Northern Ireland 003531-495 6300)
Other Links: |
Booking Form | Full Schedule Of Courses |